Fostering Social and Emotional Development

You’ve probably notice how young children seem to wear their hearts on their sleeves. They naturally let you know how they’re feeling. This authenticity is a wonderful quality of childhood but children also need support in learning how to express and process their emotions, especially in the context of social situations. Early interactions affect how children view themselves, others, and the world around them. As the adults in their lives, we have many opportunities to foster the development of their social and emotional acuity.

This month at PFM, we’re focusing on how to support these interactions for all children and families in our school and have attached an article that outlines realistic expectations and easy tips for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers for you to reference as well.

South Preschool February Newsletter


Hello Families,

This month we will be learning all about the human body and how it works with a study on anatomy. We will start with looking at the physical parts of the body with 3-part cards and a large skeleton puzzle. Then we will learn about how each of these body parts function and think about how we use our bodies to experience the world around us through our senses.

We will also celebrate black history month by learning about prominent figures, including Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr., and Obama.


The love of one’s environment is the secret of social evolution.
— Maria Montessori


February 7th: Tiny Tots (10:00 - 11:30)

February 11th: Valentine Craft Night (4:30 - 5:30)

February 14th: Valentine's Day Friendship Salad

February 17th: PFM Closed for President's Day

February 18th: PFM Closed for Teacher In-Service


classroom reminder…

  • Please remember to leave rain gear in your child’s cubby with their name on the inside.

  • Breakfast Club ends at 8:30


February 20th: Alina (4)

Happy Valentine’s Day!


Head of School Newsletter: February

February brings a focus on friendship, sharing, and community here at Pacific First Montessori. We have a few things scheduled this month to help support these goals. On Tuesday, February 11th we have Valentine’s Craft Night from 4:30 to 5:30pm in the preschool classrooms. Come spend your evening making Valentine cards with your child and other families! All of the beautiful, glittery supplies will be here for you to use.

On Valentine’s Day, infants, toddlers, and preschoolers will put together a “friendship fruit salad” made with pieces of fruit brought from home. Teachers will be sending home more information about how to partake in our friendship fruit salad tradition and about how participate in the PFM Valentine Card exchange.

We are so happy to tell you that Harlem has transitioned into the toddler room from infants and is doing so well mingling with her toddler friends. Way to go Harlem! Nathaniel has made the move to North Preschool from the toddler room and is doing such a great job! Jillian will be transitioning next to join North Preschool and we are so excited for her. We said goodbye to our dear toddler friend, Julian as he moves to a toddler program that is closer to their home in West Seattle. Best wishes Julian! Emery and Quinn have settled into their new preschool classes and are doing such a great job. Their older brother Hunter takes great care of his “sissies” each day and is being so helpful.

The 2020 PFM Auction information has gone out to families and we are excited to celebrate with everyone on Saturday, March 28th ! Invitations and RSVP’s will be sent out soon. Looking forward to an evening of celebrating our school, teachers, children, and families on this special day.

Have a wonderful month everyone!

Teddi Blades

Director & Owner, PFM

Toddler February Newsletter


Hello Toddler Families,

This month we welcome the Valentine’s season by celebrating love and kindness. We’ll set out many opportunities for care taking, both for others and for ourselves. Tending to baby dolls and playing doctor will foster the toddlers’ inherent desire to nurture while emotion cards and our new yoga bear will help them find peace within themselves.

In addition, we’ll focus on grace and courtesy lessons in the classroom. These introductory social skills help to create a sense of community while offering the older children the confidence to teach and support the younger students.

To celebrate this month, we invite you to join us for our annual Valentine Craft Night where you can make cards with your children. And on Valentine’s Day, we ask you to bring a fruit so we can make a “Friendship Salad” which we will enjoy for lunch together!


Let us treat [children], therefore, with all the kindness which we would wish to help to develop in them.
— Maria Montessori

Important Dates to Remember:

February 7th: Tiny Tots (10:00 - 11:30)

February 11th: Valentine Craft Night (4:30 - 5:30)

February 14th: Valentine's Day Friendship Salad

February 17th: PFM Closed for President's Day

February 18th: PFM Closed for Teacher In-Service

classroom reminder…

Please make sure your child has rain gear in their cubby with their name on the inside.


February 1st: Max (2)

February 28th: Lyla (2)

Welcome to the Toddler Room Harlem and Family!

Happy Valentine’s Day!


Afternoon Preschool February Newsletter


Post Office


Hello preschool parents,

Last month your kids had some fun in the snow but now it’s time to go back to “work.” This month your kids will start by working at the local PFM post office. Here they will write their own letters for Valentine’s day and go around the neighborhood dropping off the mail. 

After working at the post office they will get a chance to help some of our furry friends at the PFM Veterinary Clinic. Here they will be able to take x-rays, give medicine, and help all the animals recover. 


The goal of early child education should be to activate the child’s own desire to learn.
— Maria Montessori

Important Dates to Remember:

February 11th: Valentine Craft Night (4:30 - 5:30)

February 17th: PFM Closed for President's Day

February 18th: PFM Closed for Teacher In-Service


Classroom Reminder...

Please remember to look on top of your child’s cubby; sometimes there are clothes that need to go home.


Happy Valentine’s Day!


Infant February Newsletter


Hello families and welcome to February!

This month we welcome the season with a love theme! Teachers will put work on the shelves that have to do with love – lots of pink and red items, themed books, and mobiles and art on the wall. Mobiles and decorations encourage babies to focus; they are beautiful to look at and provide visual experiences for the babies.

Throughout the month we will also complete several painting projects. Painting stimulates babies’ senses and encourages cognitive development. Allowing infants to paint freely helps them to develop their creativity and use their imagination.


Of all things love is the most potent.
— Maria Montessori

Important Dates to Remember:

February 17th: PFM Closed for President's Day

February 18th: PFM Closed for Teacher In-Service


classroom reminders…

  • Please label all food and bottles each day. Include your child’s name, the date, and the amount and/or type of food.

  • If there are any foods your child cannot eat or you have dietary preferences, please let us know.


Happy Valentine’s Day!


North Preschool February Newsletter


This month we’re looking to the biggest thing we know: the universe. To introduce this concept, we’ll survey the parts of outer space, including stars, planets, galaxies, and even cosmic dust. This study of grandeur gives children a sense of perspective, learning how everything is connected and fits together.

Our shelves will be full of constellation work, planet matching and sequencing, and parts of the sun. We’ll also read about our Solar System and the Night Sky as well as sing The Planet Song and Blast Off!


To have a vision of the cosmic plan, in which every form of life depends on directed movements which have effects beyond their conscious aim, is to understand the child’s work and be able to guide it better.
— Maria Montessori


Please make sure your child always has rain gear in their cubby with their name written on the inside.

Breakfast Club ends at 8:30

Important Dates to Remember:

February 7th: Tiny Tots (10:00 - 11:30)

February 11th: Valentine Craft Night (4:30 - 5:30)

February 14th: Valentine's Day Friendship Salad

February 17th: PFM Closed for President's Day

February 18th: PFM Closed for Teacher In-Service

Welcome to Preschool Nathaniel and Jillian!


February 6th: Hunter (5)

February 16th: Mason (5)

February 23rd: Mackenzie (3)

Happy Valentine’s Day!


Head of School Newsletter: January

On behalf of all of us here at PFM, I hope you all had a festive time with your family over the holiday vacation! We are ready to have a fantastic 2020 here at Pacific First Montessori and are so happy that you and your children are along with us for the ride.

In December we enjoyed seeing the downtown area all dressed up for the holidays. We took advantage of our location and went on walks to look at the lights, decorations, and other festive things at Westlake Park and the gingerbread houses at the Sheraton. This month we welcomed Quinn and Emery into preschool and Sebastian, Julian and Branca into the toddler room! We also welcomed new babies Harper, Evelyn and Henry into our infant room. Welcome everyone!

This month, preschoolers will be focusing their attention on winter themed ideas like arctic animals and ice and snow and the toddlers are exploring dinosaurs! Afternoon preschool has been turned into a winter wonderland full of ice blocks for building igloos and ice caves and they even have “skis” for pretending to snow ski. It is a fun time of year around here and I am sure you are hearing all about it at home.

The parent education piece this month is about healthy eating. Be sure to read the articles under the Parent Education tab to learn more about how to handle this if it is something your child struggles with. The password remains PFM2019 for the time being.

I hope you have a wonderful month!

Teddi Blades Director & Owner, PFM