Hello Families,
This month we will be learning all about the human body and how it works with a study on anatomy. We will start with looking at the physical parts of the body with 3-part cards and a large skeleton puzzle. Then we will learn about how each of these body parts function and think about how we use our bodies to experience the world around us through our senses.
We will also celebrate black history month by learning about prominent figures, including Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr., and Obama.
“The love of one’s environment is the secret of social evolution.”
February 7th: Tiny Tots (10:00 - 11:30)
February 11th: Valentine Craft Night (4:30 - 5:30)
February 14th: Valentine's Day Friendship Salad
February 17th: PFM Closed for President's Day
February 18th: PFM Closed for Teacher In-Service
classroom reminder…
Please remember to leave rain gear in your child’s cubby with their name on the inside.
Breakfast Club ends at 8:30
February 20th: Alina (4)
Happy Valentine’s Day!