Enrollment — Pacific First Montessori



To Join Our Waitlist

Please print the waitlist application below and send it to: 

Pacific First Montessori
1420 5th Avenue, #300
Seattle, WA 98101

Please include the $50 waitlist fee with your application.  Keep in mind, the $50 fee is non-refundable and does not guarantee enrollment as we have much more interest in our school than we have spaces available.  You may set up a tour of the school by email or phone either before or after you submit your waitlist application.  After your wait list application is received, if a space becomes available, you will be contacted by someone from PFM via email or phone call.

Enrollment and Admissions

The following rates begin on September 1, 2024:
Tuition Rates
Infants $3000/per month
Toddler $2850/per month
Preschool $2350/per month

Older sibling discount is $150 off per month

Pacific First Montessori admits children from 3 months through 5 years of age.  If a space becomes available, you will be contacted by someone from PFM to come in for another tour and an interview to see if our Montessori program will be best for your child and family.  Before a child is enrolled, we also ask that an introductory visit and a meeting with the child’s teacher be scheduled.



Each year families are asked to complete a registration/re-enrollment form and pay a $50 fee. This form, along with the fee, is required to guarantee an available space in September. If the paperwork and fee are not returned by the date requested it will be assumed the child’s last day will be the last day that the center is open prior to the first day of the new school year.