Hello Toddler Families,
This month we welcome the Valentine’s season by celebrating love and kindness. We’ll set out many opportunities for care taking, both for others and for ourselves. Tending to baby dolls and playing doctor will foster the toddlers’ inherent desire to nurture while emotion cards and our new yoga bear will help them find peace within themselves.
In addition, we’ll focus on grace and courtesy lessons in the classroom. These introductory social skills help to create a sense of community while offering the older children the confidence to teach and support the younger students.
To celebrate this month, we invite you to join us for our annual Valentine Craft Night where you can make cards with your children. And on Valentine’s Day, we ask you to bring a fruit so we can make a “Friendship Salad” which we will enjoy for lunch together!
“Let us treat [children], therefore, with all the kindness which we would wish to help to develop in them.”
Important Dates to Remember:
February 7th: Tiny Tots (10:00 - 11:30)
February 11th: Valentine Craft Night (4:30 - 5:30)
February 14th: Valentine's Day Friendship Salad
February 17th: PFM Closed for President's Day
February 18th: PFM Closed for Teacher In-Service
classroom reminder…
Please make sure your child has rain gear in their cubby with their name on the inside.
February 1st: Max (2)
February 28th: Lyla (2)
Welcome to the Toddler Room Harlem and Family!
Happy Valentine’s Day!