Hello families and welcome to February!
This month we welcome the season with a love theme! Teachers will put work on the shelves that have to do with love – lots of pink and red items, themed books, and mobiles and art on the wall. Mobiles and decorations encourage babies to focus; they are beautiful to look at and provide visual experiences for the babies.
Throughout the month we will also complete several painting projects. Painting stimulates babies’ senses and encourages cognitive development. Allowing infants to paint freely helps them to develop their creativity and use their imagination.
“Of all things love is the most potent.”
Important Dates to Remember:
February 17th: PFM Closed for President's Day
February 18th: PFM Closed for Teacher In-Service
classroom reminders…
Please label all food and bottles each day. Include your child’s name, the date, and the amount and/or type of food.
If there are any foods your child cannot eat or you have dietary preferences, please let us know.
Happy Valentine’s Day!