South Preschool December Newsletter

Winter Forest

This month, the book, The Mitten by Jan Brett will serve as our inspiration for our winter forest theme. We’ll use it as a jumping off point to learn about snow, snowflakes, and the differences between fall and winter. Throughout the month, we’ll also examine how different animals adapt to the change in seasons.

In the spirit of the holiday season, we’ll also read about Christmas, Hanukkah, and kwanzaa and talk about any traditions our children celebrate at home.


The child is both a hope and a promise for mankind.
— Maria Montessori

Important Dates to Remember:

December 6th: Tiny Tots (10:00 - 11:30)

December 13th: Preschool Holiday Sing Along (9:30)

December 23rd - January 1st: PFM Closed for Winter Break

Welcome to Preschool Daphne and Lars!


Classroom reminder…

Please bring warm clothes, hats, and mittens or gloves for the coming months. And if your child is in a dress, please make sure they have tights as well.

Happy Birthday!

December 11th: Finn (5)

December 18th: Toren (5)

December 27th: Felix (3)

Happy Holidays!


North Preschool December Newsletter

Holiday Traditions

This month North Preschoolers will reflect on seasonal celebrations around the world. We’ll look at our own family celebrations as well as learn about those of others. Books about holidays and activities like the life cycle of a conifer tree, counting candles in a Menorah, and sequencing the days of Kwanzaa will kindle our circle time discussions as we gain respect and admiration for the beliefs and practices of others.


Respect all the reasonable forms of activity in which the child engages and try to understand them.
— Maria Montessori

Important Dates to Remember:

December 6th: Tiny Tots (10:00 - 11:30)

December 13th: Preschool Holiday Sing (9:30)

December 23rd - January 1st: PFM Closed for Winter Break


classroom reminders…

  • With the temperatures dropping, please bring in appropriate winter clothes, like gloves, hats, and warm jackets.

  • Please check your child’s rain gear to make sure it still fits.

Happy Holidays!


Afternoon Preschool December Newsletter

Themes this month:

Holiday in the City

Holiday Baking

Hello preschool parents, 

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. And this month your kids will get to go out to the city to start their holiday fun. Here they will have the chance to go ice skating and warm up with some hot cocoa. 

After a fun-filled day in the city they will get a chance to warm up in PFM’s very own holiday bakery. Here they will make some gingerbread cookies, challah bread, and some yummy cupcakes. So yummy! 


Our aim is not only to make the child understand, but to touch their imagination.
— Maria Montessori

Important Dates to Remember:

December 23rd to January 1st: PFM Closed for Winter Break


Classroom Reminder...

As the days are getting colder, we would like to remind parents to bring glvoes, hats, and warm jackets to school.

Happy Holidays!


Toddler December Newsletter

Winter Solstice

Each year, the Winter Solstice marks a new beginning in which each passing day gives us more and more sunlight. The darkness and short days leading up to it remind us to celebrate the light in our lives. This means that this month we’ll investigate sources of light like the sun, moon, and stars, as well as reflect on the things that restore and revitalize us. We’ll study the constellations with our light table, learn the phases of the moon through puzzles, and play with light and shadow with flashlights. To nourish our bodies, we’ll captivate our senses with the warm scents of winter with smelling jars of ginger, nutmeg, and cinnamon as well as continue our baking projects to create meaningful meals together. It will be a wonderful time of reflection, cultivation, and connection.


Let us give the child a vision of the universe...for all things are connected to form a whole unity.
— Maria Montessori

Important Dates to Remember:

December 6th: Tiny Tots (10:00 - 11:30)

December 13th: Preschool Holiday Sing Along (9:30)

December 23rd - January 1st: PFM Closed for Winter Break

classroom reminders…

Please bring in cold weather items such as mittens, hats, and warm jackets for your child to keep in their cubby.

Welcome Michael and Family to the Toddler Room!

Happy Holidays!


Infant December Newsletter


We welcome this season with a winter theme. This month we will do many winter themed activities: winter themed sensory bin work, a water bin with bubbles as snow, lots of snowy art projects, and our decor will match the theme to provide ample opportunities for winter themed conversation.

Colorful lights hang on our classroom window, seasonal songs are played on our radio each day, and bubbles are played with via bubble wand to help us get into our festive theme!


Important Dates to Remember:

December 23rd - January 1st: PFM Closed for Winter Break

Classroom reminder…

If your child is running low on supplies such as diapers and clothing your teachers will let you know on Fridays via email. Please bring in any needed supplies on Monday when you return to school.. We do not keep spare disposable diapers and have a limited supply of extra clothes on hand. Thank you!

Happy Birthday to Aneeka on the 8th


Head of School Newsletter: November

Hello PFM families,

I am so proud of our amazing teachers getting their classrooms in tip-top shape and set up beautifully for the new school year! The children have had an amazing day back to school and our new friends are already enjoying their time here as well. It is so fun to watch them all play together and look through their classrooms for new things to do.

Some exciting news was announced at our in-service day on Friday (in addition to all the cleaning and meetings). We are excited to tell you that Teresa (infant room) will be training to be a co-lead in the infant room. And Mimi (infant room) has become our afternoon infant lead teacher. You will now see Mimi in the afternoons with Brenda and our new employee, Yoanna (pronounced Joanna) who began today!

Erika (North Preschool) has become the North Preschool co-lead teacher with teacher Lex! Teacher Lex and Erika are excited to work together in North Preschool and have very compatible skill sets. Lex will be in charge of the Montessori lessons, emails to parents, tracking student progress and Erika will focus on classroom management, organizational duties and making materials for the classroom, among other things. Both teachers have their teaching degrees so this is sure to be a plus for the classroom as they can share in the responsibilities of teaching!

Today we welcome Kelsey back to school from her maternity leave. She is co-leading the preschool afternoon program with Teacher Liz! They have lots of fun things planned for the afternoon program and are excited to get started.

Have a great week everyone!

Teddi Blades

Director & Owner, PFM

Toddler November Newsletter

Community Helpers

As we prepare for the season of Thanksgiving, we’re going to embrace the spirit of gratitude in the Toddler Room by learning about the people who serve our community on a day to day basis.

We’ll read books that teach us their identifying characteristics, match drivers to their work trucks, and build our own little town. On our walks around the city, we’ll use our knowledge base to recognize and acknowledge the people helping near us.

As we talk about the ways in which these people support us and the ecosystem we’re a part of, we’ll introduce the concept of a gratitude circle, in which the toddlers will learn how to give thanks and honor the bounty in their lives.


We shall walk together on this path of life, for all things are part of the universe, and are connected to each other to form one whole unity.
— Maria Montessori

Important Dates:

November 11th: PFM Closed for Veteran's Day

November 21st: Thanksgiving Brunch 7:30 - 9:00

November 28th & 29th: PFM Closed for Thanksgiving Break


classroom reminders…

  • With outside temperatures dropping, please bring a hat, mittens, and a warm coat for your child.



North Preschool november Newsletter


As we prepare for the season of Thanksgiving, we’re going to embrace the spirit of gratitude in the Toddler Room by learning about the people who serve our community on a day to day basis. We’ll read books that teach us their identifying characteristics, match drivers to their work trucks, and build our own little town. On our walks around the city, we’ll use our knowledge base to recognize and acknowledge the people helping near us. As we talk about the ways in which these people support us and the ecosystem we’re a part of, we’ll introduce the concept of a gratitude circle, in which the toddlers will learn how to give thanks and honor the bounty in their lives.


Let the children be free; encourage them; let them run outside when it’s raining; let them remove their shoes when they find a puddle of water; and when the grass of the meadows is damp with dew, let them run on it and trample it with their bare feet.
— Maria Montessori

Important Dates:

November 11th: PFM Closed for Veteran's Day

November 21st: Thanksgiving Brunch 7:30 - 9:00

November 28th & 29th: PFM Closed for Thanksgiving Break

classroom reminders…

  • Please remember that Breakfast Club ends at 8:30. If you arrive after, your child may eat in the Lobby with you or save their food until after school.

  • With temperatures dropping outside, please bring a hat, gloves, and a warm coat for your child.

November Birthdays!

November 1: Dutcher (3)
