Winter Solstice
Each year, the Winter Solstice marks a new beginning in which each passing day gives us more and more sunlight. The darkness and short days leading up to it remind us to celebrate the light in our lives. This means that this month we’ll investigate sources of light like the sun, moon, and stars, as well as reflect on the things that restore and revitalize us. We’ll study the constellations with our light table, learn the phases of the moon through puzzles, and play with light and shadow with flashlights. To nourish our bodies, we’ll captivate our senses with the warm scents of winter with smelling jars of ginger, nutmeg, and cinnamon as well as continue our baking projects to create meaningful meals together. It will be a wonderful time of reflection, cultivation, and connection.
“Let us give the child a vision of the universe...for all things are connected to form a whole unity.”
Important Dates to Remember:
December 6th: Tiny Tots (10:00 - 11:30)
December 13th: Preschool Holiday Sing Along (9:30)
December 23rd - January 1st: PFM Closed for Winter Break
classroom reminders…
Please bring in cold weather items such as mittens, hats, and warm jackets for your child to keep in their cubby.
Welcome Michael and Family to the Toddler Room!
Happy Holidays!