Infant December Newsletter — Pacific First Montessori

Infant December Newsletter


We welcome this season with a winter theme. This month we will do many winter themed activities: winter themed sensory bin work, a water bin with bubbles as snow, lots of snowy art projects, and our decor will match the theme to provide ample opportunities for winter themed conversation.

Colorful lights hang on our classroom window, seasonal songs are played on our radio each day, and bubbles are played with via bubble wand to help us get into our festive theme!


Important Dates to Remember:

December 23rd - January 1st: PFM Closed for Winter Break

Classroom reminder…

If your child is running low on supplies such as diapers and clothing your teachers will let you know on Fridays via email. Please bring in any needed supplies on Monday when you return to school.. We do not keep spare disposable diapers and have a limited supply of extra clothes on hand. Thank you!

Happy Birthday to Aneeka on the 8th
