June North Class Newsletter


Important dates this month...

June 7- Tiny Tots at Benaroya Hall

June 14 - Father's Day Donuts with Dads 7:30-9 am

June 28- Preschool Graduation!

June 29-July 6th: PFM Closed

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                     This June we will become paleontologists and study dinosaurs! We will begin our study on these prehistoric mysteries by learning the names of different kinds of dinosaurs, when they lived, where they lived and what they ate! At circle time we will sing songs about dinosaurs and take turns asking questions about dinosaurs. We will discover that some of our questions can be answered, but perhaps some of our questions will remain a mystery!          

                       This month we will also be celebrating Father's Day with a doughnut brunch! In the weeks leading up to the special brunch we will be preparing gifts and cards for dads. And of course no gift would be complete without some beautiful wrapping. After our Father's Day celebration it will be time to prepare for Graduation. All preschoolers will sing a few songs at the beginning of the program, then the graduates will perform a play, then they will receive their preschool graduation certificate and afterwards we will celebrate with a family Pot-Luck. Please bring a dish to share and plan to stick around for lunch (even if your child is not yet graduating)! This is always such a fun time to catch up and get to know all the families at PFM better. I can't wait to see you there!




Children are like tiny flowers; they are varied and need care, but each is beautiful alone and glorious when seen in the community of peers.
— Fredrick Froebel

Sounds this month...

June 4- 8 Ww

June 11-15 Vv

June18- 22 Kk

June 25-28 Hh


Birthdays this month


June 4th Isla turns 5!


June Toddler Newsletter


Important dates this month...

June 15th: Donuts with Dad! 7:30-9am

June 28th: Preschool Graduation!

June 29th-July 6th: PFM closed


Happy June!


This month we'll be learning about colors! We will be exploring the different colors we see in nature and in every day life!


Now, what really makes a teacher is love for the human child; for it is love that transforms the social duty of the educator into the higher consciousness of a mission.
— Maria Montessori

Weekly Curriculum:

Week 1: Color Baskets

Week 2: Rainbow Sensory Bin

Week 3: Rabbit Tail Color Matching

Week 4: Color Wheel


June Infant Newsletter

Happy June!

Happy June!

Important dates this month...

Friday, June 15th: Father’s Day Donuts with Dad 7:30-9am

Thursday, June 28th: Preschool Graduation

Friday, June 29th: Teacher In-Service; PFM Closed


Happy June!


Each week we focus on a different type of work. Our focus will be posted on the bulletin board outside of our room and mentioned in the weekly email. These weekly focuses give us a structured way to observe your child and see how they use the work in the environment. It is fascinating to see how a child chooses to use a work and what they are capable of doing when given uninterrupted work time. The focus work does not have to be completed, rather simply explored.


Respect is the basis of the
Educaring Approach.
We not only respect babies, we
demonstrate our respect every time we
interact with them. Respecting a child
means treating even the youngest infant
as a unique human being, not as an
— RIE Principal

Weekly Curriculum...

June 1 st-8 th Cognitive Put and take

June 11th-15th Practical Life Sock basket

June 18th-22nd Fine Motor Stacking

June 25th-29th Sensorial Tin shakers


Birthdays this month


Happy Birthday to Lars who turns one on June 1 st!


Everyday Ways to Support your Baby's and Toddler's Early Learning

The emotional, social, and physical development of young children has a direct impact on future learning experiences. Optimizing these early years is the best investment we can make as a society, ensuring the success of our children!

Maria Montessori believed the first three years of a child's life are "critical years." During this time, an infant learns a great deal about their environment while absorbing information through the five senses. Language skills, self-control (and bodily movement), and self-confidence are lifelong skills a child can begin learning at a young age.

In our infant, toddler, and preschool classrooms, we understand the importance of these early years, as they form the foundation for future learning. Encouraging your child to explore, providing your child space to move freely, and communicating with your child are some of the ways in which you can support the critical years.

We strive to create a bond with each child, as a supportive environment and empathetic care-giving is correlated with a child's positive development. You can learn more about our approach to early learning (and how to implement these practices in your home) here.

Toddler Newsletter

Happy May!

Happy May!


This month we will learn about flowers!

April showers bring May flowers, and boy have we been seeing a lot of them! This month we will be focusing on smells and textures of flowers and learning about the different types of flowers we see locally, whether that be on the playground or outside!

When children come into contact with nature, they reveal their strength
— Maria Montessori

Weekly curriculum:

Week 1: Lavender Spooning

Week 2: Flower Water Sensory Bin

Week 3: Flower Arranging

Week 4: Flower Press Work


Head of School Newsletter: May 2018

Head of School Newsletter: May 2018

Last month we had a lot of fun welcoming our warmer Spring weather and we hope to see this trend continue so we can spend even more time outside! May 1st was our teacher in-service day and we were able to get so many things done here at the school. We had an all-staff meeting, participated in team-building activities and rearranged and organized each of the classrooms. We hope you like the changes that have been made!

I would like to give a little shout out to Jackson’s mom, Hayley Talbert (Jackson is in North Preschool).  Hayley has a green thumb and has volunteered to help us fill our classrooms with lovely plants and even help us care for them! She has already re-potted some plants that were not doing so well and brought new plants into the classrooms and playground.  It has really brightened up our rooms here and we appreciate this gift so much. Thank you Hayley!

North preschool welcomes Keira from the toddler room this week as she transitions to preschool.   Also, four year old Mason Frazier will be joining our school and be part of North preschool beginning on May 14th!  

We will celebrate our teachers for Teacher Appreciation Week (May 7 through May 11). Stay tuned for fun theme days throughout the week

Have a wonderful month everyone!

Teddi Blades

Director & Owner, PFM

South Class Newsletter

Happy May!

Happy May!

Important dates this month...

May 1st PFM will be closed for In-Service

May 11th 7:30-9am Mother's Day Brunch

May 28th PFM will be closed in observance of Memorial Day


Happy May!


This month we will learn about animals! More specifically, about pets. We will talk about the pets we take care of at our house, the pets we take care of at school, and their attributes like animal class, animal coverings, and animal locomotion!


In the geography area of the classroom, we will explore landforms! We will sort pictures of islands, lakes, capes, bays, gulfs and peninsulas! We will make our own landform shapes using rocks and water as well.


What a fun month ahead!




A child more than anyone else is a spontaneous observer of nature.
— Maria Montessori

Ways to bring the classroom home in May...

• Have your child help take care of the pets in your home! They can fill water dishes, scoop food, brush pets, feed fish, and help clean pet messes. If you don’t have any pets they can help take care of the plants in your home by watering them and polishing their leaves with water and a cotton ball!

• Learn about animals at home! Sort some toys or stuffed animals at home into categories like animals that fly/swim/walk, or by class (reptile/amphibian/mammal/fish/arthropod/bird), or by animals with feathers/fur/skin/scales!

• Make your own landforms at home! Use a baking pan with playdough, clay, sand, rocks, or soil to explore the different types of landforms you can make, and then pour in some water!

• Go on a nature walk! Walk to the park or around the block and see how many animals you can find. Make a list as you go and then talk about their attributes (skin covering, how they move about, where the live, etc).

Sounds this month...

Our sounds have been put in order by the AMS sound groups- the easiest to pronounce and write to the hardest.

May 1st-4th: Tt

May 7th-11th: Ff

May 14th-18th: Ll

May 21st-25th: Bb

May 28th-June 1st: Oo


Birthdays this month


Sienna is turing 4 this month on May 14th!


Infant Newsletter

Happy May!

Happy May!

This month we work on our practical

life skills. We have several spring

themed practical life materials out on

the shelves, including spring hats and

jackets which has led to great

interactions as the babies work on

imaginary play.



Weekly Focus:

Week 1
Fine Motor- ring pegs

Week 2
Practical Life– pitcher and cup

Week 3
Sensory- fabric and textures

Week 4
Cognitive- puzzles

Week 5
Self Help- zippers



We focus on the
involvement of
the child in all care activities
to allow the child to become an
active participant rather than a
passive recipient
— RIE principal

Happy 1st Birthdays to Daphne on the 3rd and Nathaniel on the 25th!

Important dates

May 1st: Teacher in-service day, PFM closed

May 10th: Mother's Day brunch 7:30-9am

May 28th: Memorial Day, PFM closed
