Important dates this month...
June 7- Tiny Tots at Benaroya Hall
June 14 - Father's Day Donuts with Dads 7:30-9 am
June 28- Preschool Graduation!
June 29-July 6th: PFM Closed
This June we will become paleontologists and study dinosaurs! We will begin our study on these prehistoric mysteries by learning the names of different kinds of dinosaurs, when they lived, where they lived and what they ate! At circle time we will sing songs about dinosaurs and take turns asking questions about dinosaurs. We will discover that some of our questions can be answered, but perhaps some of our questions will remain a mystery!
This month we will also be celebrating Father's Day with a doughnut brunch! In the weeks leading up to the special brunch we will be preparing gifts and cards for dads. And of course no gift would be complete without some beautiful wrapping. After our Father's Day celebration it will be time to prepare for Graduation. All preschoolers will sing a few songs at the beginning of the program, then the graduates will perform a play, then they will receive their preschool graduation certificate and afterwards we will celebrate with a family Pot-Luck. Please bring a dish to share and plan to stick around for lunch (even if your child is not yet graduating)! This is always such a fun time to catch up and get to know all the families at PFM better. I can't wait to see you there!
“Children are like tiny flowers; they are varied and need care, but each is beautiful alone and glorious when seen in the community of peers.”
Sounds this month...
June 4- 8 Ww
June 11-15 Vv
June18- 22 Kk
June 25-28 Hh
Birthdays this month
June 4th Isla turns 5!