Happy June!
Important dates this month...
Friday, June 15th: Father’s Day Donuts with Dad 7:30-9am
Thursday, June 28th: Preschool Graduation
Friday, June 29th: Teacher In-Service; PFM Closed
Happy June!
Each week we focus on a different type of work. Our focus will be posted on the bulletin board outside of our room and mentioned in the weekly email. These weekly focuses give us a structured way to observe your child and see how they use the work in the environment. It is fascinating to see how a child chooses to use a work and what they are capable of doing when given uninterrupted work time. The focus work does not have to be completed, rather simply explored.
“Respect is the basis of the
Educaring Approach.
We not only respect babies, we
demonstrate our respect every time we
interact with them. Respecting a child
means treating even the youngest infant
as a unique human being, not as an
object. ”
Weekly Curriculum...
June 1 st-8 th Cognitive Put and take
June 11th-15th Practical Life Sock basket
June 18th-22nd Fine Motor Stacking
June 25th-29th Sensorial Tin shakers
Birthdays this month
Happy Birthday to Lars who turns one on June 1 st!