Happy May!
This month we work on our practical
life skills. We have several spring
themed practical life materials out on
the shelves, including spring hats and
jackets which has led to great
interactions as the babies work on
imaginary play.
Weekly Focus:
Week 1
Fine Motor- ring pegs
Week 2
Practical Life– pitcher and cup
Week 3
Sensory- fabric and textures
Week 4
Cognitive- puzzles
Week 5
Self Help- zippers
“We focus on the
involvement of
the child in all care activities
to allow the child to become an
active participant rather than a
passive recipient”
Happy 1st Birthdays to Daphne on the 3rd and Nathaniel on the 25th!
Important dates
May 1st: Teacher in-service day, PFM closed
May 10th: Mother's Day brunch 7:30-9am
May 28th: Memorial Day, PFM closed