Monthly Unit: The Owl!
This month we will be studying the Owl. An owl flew onto our playground last month and injured its wing. It was very exciting to have this majestic creature on our playground and brought up a lot of questions about owls. What better way to answer these questions than by studying Owls?! We will learn the different parts of the owl, where owls live, what they eat and how they are nocturnal.
In addition to our owl unit we will also be getting ready for Thanksgiving. In the practical life area of our classroom we will have silverware sorting, place setting and napkin folding works. We will be preparing banana bread for the Thanksgiving Brunch at PFM.
"The child is not an empty being who owes whatever he knows to us who have filled him up with it. No, the child is the builder of man. There is no man existing who has not been formed by the child he once was."
-Maria Montessori
Birthdays this month... Maceo turns 3 November 2nd!!
Important Dates:
November 10th: PFM closed for Veteran's Day
November 16th: Thanksgiving Brunch 7:30-9
November 23-24th: PFM closed for Thanksgiving
Sounds this month...
November 1-3 Tt
November 6-10 Oo
November 13-17 Ll
November 20-24 Nn
November 27-30 Rr
Happy Fall!