Happy November!
We have a wonderful month planned ahead of us with a special focus on flags! We will learn about the parts of a flag, create our own flags, and see some flags from around the world.
In math our focus will be an introduction to the golden beads (materials used to teach the decimal system) and in sensorial we will be introduced to the geometric cabinet as we learn all about different shapes.
Practical life will be full of lots of beautiful corn this month- pouring, spooning, tweezing kernels and even sprouting our own corn plants to take home!
To get ready for Thanksgiving this month we will talk a lot about needs versus wants and things we are thankful for as well as celebrating our own cultural traditions, and talking about those seen around the world.
Dates to remember:
- Friday November 10th: School closed for Veteran’s Day
- Thursday November 16th: Thanksgiving brunch 7:30-9am
- Thursday and Friday November 23rd/24th: School closed for Thanksgiving
“It is through appropriate work and activities that the character of the child is transformed. Work influences his development in the same way that food revives the vigor of a starving man. We observe that a child occupied with matters that awaken his interest seems to blossom, to expand, evincing undreamed of character traits; his abilities give him great satisfaction, and he smiles with a sweet and joyous smile.”
A Montessori Approach to Praise
By Deb Chitwood
New research in the book Nurture Shock: New Thinking about Children by Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman shows what Maria Montessori saw years ago – that we don’t need to praise our children for everything they do. We don’t need to continually reward our children or tell them how smart and talented they are.
As a matter of fact, telling our children how smart and talented they are can create the opposite of what we want. It can make our children afraid to attempt new things, afraid of failure, afraid they won’t meet everyone’s expectations.
What does the research suggest? When we praise, it’s best for the praise to be related to the effort our children made. For praise to be effective, it also needs to be specific and sincere.
So, how exactly does the research fit with Montessori philosophy?
1. In Montessori education, there aren’t rewards and punishments. Maria Montessori believed in the child’s inner need to do productive work. Sensitive periods provide an internal urge and stronger reinforcement than any rewards or praise could do.
“The essence of independence is to be able to do something for one’s self. Adults work to finish a task, but the child works in order to grow, and is working to create the adult, the person that is to be.” Maria Montessori
2. Montessorians don’t give children lavish praise. The child’s work is highly valued in Montessori education, and praise that is given is typically specific praise emphasizing effort. “You really worked hard at that.” “You did that activity four times in a row!” In an article at Maria Montessori, Bobby and June George give the idea of saying simply, “You did it!”
3. Montessorians try to give encouragement rather than praise or descriptive rather than evaluative praise. Instead of saying, “You’re a good boy,” a Montessorian might say, “It really helped when you put away all the dishes.”
4. Montessorians try to help children do things themselves and gain self-confidence. Many of the Montessori materials have a control of error so that the child can tell immediately if an activity is done correctly. An external source of approval isn’t necessary.
5. Through Montessori practical life activities, children develop order, concentration, coordination, and independence. Those are all qualities that make children self-confident and capable of listening to their own inner voice.
Have you seen Montessori ideas on praise work for your child?
Cheers to another amazing month together!
Transitions this month...
We will be welcoming Nadia from the toddler classroom this month! Welcome to South Class Nadia!
SOUnds this month...
Sounds this month:
Our sounds have been put in order by the AMS sound groups- the easiest to pronounce and write to the hardest
October 30th-November 3rd: Cc
November 6th-10th: Rr
November 13th-17th: Pp
November 20th-24th: Ii
November 27th-30th: Hh
Happy Fall!