Happy Summer!
Hello July!
Happy Summer!
We will continue our Dinosaur study this July! On our shelves we will keep sorting different dinosaurs by when they lived, where they lived, and what they ate. Our focus will be fine-tuned to learn about the dinosaurs that lived in Washington State way back when. We will add materials to the shelf to help practice a dinosaur excavation, create skeleton pictures and even materials to make some dinosaur costumes! Part of the Montessori method is following the child’s interests. Undoubtedly summer will inspire new topics of study that will make their way into the classroom
At the end of the month we will be taking a school field trip to the Burke Museum. We will be able to see a life sized T. Rex skull, the first dinosaur fossil found in Washington state, and displays showcasing the landscapes and animals of Washington during dinosaur times. This will be a super fun field trip! Not only will we be seeing a dinosaur exhibit, but we will ride the city bus to get there! Public transit is always an exciting way to go on a field trip.
July will be a great month!
“We cannot create observers by saying ‘observe’, but by giving them the power and the means for this observation and these means are procured through education of the senses.”
Dates to remember:
- Monday July 9th: Pajama Day!
- Friday July 13th: Ice Cream Social at PFM (3:30pm)
- Thursday July 19th: Bubble Man visits PFM (3pm)
- Thursday July 27th: Field trip to the Burke Museum! (depart at 9am)
Birthdays this month…
July 5th Riley turns 5!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Summer!