Happy Summer!
Hello July!
Happy Summer!
This summer we will explore the mysteries of the ocean! We will learn about the creatures that live there, the parts of the fish, and its life cycle. We also have lots of fun and exciting adventures ahead this summer both here at school and out in our neighborhood!
“We cannot create observers by saying ‘observe’, but by giving them the power and the means for this observation and these means are procured through education of the senses.”
Dates to remember:
- June 29th - July 6th: Summer Break; PFM Closed
- Monday July 9th: Pajama Day!
- Friday July 13th: Ice Cream Social at PFM (3:30pm)
- Thursday July 19th: Bubble Man visits PFM (3pm)
- Thursday July 27th: Field trip to the Burke Museum! (depart at 9am)
Please feel free to bring in any of the following:
• Salad scraps/veggies/fruits for the bunnies
• Old necklaces or necklace beads for stringing
• Water or bubble toys for the playground
Thank you
Birthdays this month…
Jack turns 4 July 8th!
Arya turns 4 July 22nd!
Happy Birthday friends!
Happy Summer!