Happy May!
Important dates this month...
May 1st PFM will be closed for In-Service
May 11th 7:30-9am Mother's Day Brunch
May 28th PFM will be closed in observance of Memorial Day
This May we will be learning about Butterflies!
We will learn their nomenclature, their very special life cycle and tackle the concept of symmetry. Because there are a lot of artists in the classroom we will have lots of butterfly inspired art projects. We will also be purchasing some caterpillars to watch and discuss how they build their chrysalis and transform into butterflies. Last month we were able to see 1 hummingbird on the playground! Hopefully with more sunny weather headed our way we will see lots of butterflies!
This month we will also be preparing for Mothers Day. We will be working on making a gift, making a card and wrapping it in a beautiful way. Our cards and gifts will be presented at the Mother's Day Brunch on May 10th from 7:30- 9:30. We will also work together to bake a yummy treat to serve at the brunch.
“One test of the correctness of educational procedure is the happiness of the child.”
sounds of the week...
May 2-4 -Bb
May 7 -11 Ii
May 14-18 - Ll
May 21-25 -Rr
May 28- 31 - Tt
Birthdays this month...
May 11th Owen turns 5!