October Infant Newsletter


Hello October~

This month’s theme is autumn! We will celebrate the autumn season by going to the market and selecting pumpkins for our classroom. The pumpkins will be a sensory work for the infants to enjoy! Additionally, we will complete a corn-husk painting project for you to take home at the end of the month.

Many infants are trying new foods at school. During feeding times (such as breakfast and lunch), we utilize low-seated chairs and tables. We also hold infants—who are too small for the chairs—in our laps. They are encouraged to self-feed by drinking from open cups and using utensils. When babies practice self-help skills (such as feeding), the develop large and small motor skills, gain confidence, and become more independent.

Learn to move, move to learn:
Babies need to move freely in a safe
place. When babies are allowed to move
and explore on their own, they learn about
their environment and abilities. Babies
develop confidence and problem-solving
skills as they move, explore, and relate to
their environment.
— RIE Principal

Dates to remember:

  • Home visits begin this month!
  • October 3: Infant photos (Please have your child dressed and ready for individual and sibling photos.)
  • October 8-10: PFM closed for playground remodel
  • October 31: Preschool Halloween sing at 9:30am

Classroom reminder:

If your child needs formula (for bottle-feeding), please have bottles pre-made when arriving at school. It is helpful to keep extra forumla in your child's cubby. Please also ensure your child has a rain coat and pants in their cubby. Thank you!


October Toddler Newsletter


Hello October~


This month, the toddler students will learn about farming! They will enjoy pumpkin washing and work with pumpkins and cornmeal in the sensory bin. The toddlers will complete farm-animal puzzles and study animal tracks using playdoh. Expect to see ample pumpkin-inspired art work adorning our toddler classroom!


“The senses, being explorers of the world, open the way to knowledge.”--Maria Montessori

Dates to remember:

  • Home visits begin this month!
  • PFM will be closed October 8-10 for our playground remodel

Quick Classroom Reminders:

  • We invite you to have your child wear their Halloween costume to school on October 31—we will watch the annual preschool Halloween Sing

  • Please store rain gear (including boots, coats, and rain pants) at school

  • If you have questions about your child's day, we invite you to email us at toddlers@pacificfirstmontessori.com





October Birthday:

Camilla (2) October 15!


NEW -- October Afternoon Preschool Newsletter


Hello October~

New to our newsletters—welcome to afternoon preschool. =)

In September, we launched into space! The students took turns being astronauts and rode the PFM “rocket” to the moon. We explored the terrain and communicated with the control center at NASA. We also learned about the weather on earth and dressed up for rainy and snowy days.

Students enjoyed taking a trip to the “library” (in our classroom) to practice checking out books and returning them to the appropriate shelf. The afternoon works were book themed—we wore cardigans, glasses, and issued library cards! We also visited to the hair and nail salon, mall, and many other fun places.

In October, our theme will be all things farm-related. We will take turns milking cows, collecting eggs, and plucking carrots. We will visit a Parisian cafe to enjoy crullers and sip “coffee.” Of course, all food items will be purchased with euros.

In addition, we will visit the market to buy fresh fruits and veggies and trick-or-treat throughout our PFM “neighborhood.”

Afternoon Preschool Updates:

If you'd like to see our afternoon preschool program in action, we invite you to visit our space anytime between 4:00-5:00pm!


October North Preschool Newsletter


Hello October~


This month, the North Preschool students will work with pumpkins! We will enjoy pumpkin scrubbing and pumpkin painting. We will also carve jack-o-lanterns and bake homemade pumpkin bread to share.

“Whoever touches the life of a child, touches the most sensitive part of a whole which has roots in the most distant past and climbs toward the infinite future.”--Maria Montessori

Dates to remember:

  • PFM home visits begin in October (details to follow)
  • School will be closed October 8-10 for our playground remodel
  • Kindergarten Info Night 4:00-5:00pm on October 23
  • Pumpkin farm field trip on October 25
  • Halloween parade and sing at 9:30am on October 31

Quick Classroom Reminders:

  • We invite you to have your child wear their Halloween costume to school on October 31 for our annual parade and “spooky” Halloween Sing (at 9:30am)—students will change after the performance

  • Please be sure your child has extra clothes in his/her cubby

  • Please store rain gear (including boots, coats, and rain pants) at school




October Birthdays:

Keira (3)--October 1 ; Melat (3)--October 8!


October South Preschool Newsletter


Hello October~


This month, the South Preschool students will learn about parts of a pumpkin—they will carve pumpkins in the classroom, too!

The students will enjoy making books about bats while also learning about animals that live on farms.

“Only through freedom and environmental experience is it practically possible for human development to occur.”--Maria Montessori

Dates to remember:

  • PFM home visits begin in October (details to follow)
  • School will be closed October 8-10 for our playground remodel
  • Kindergarten Info Night 4:00-5:00pm on October 23
  • Pumpkin farm field trip on October 25
  • Halloween parade and sing at 9:30am on October 31

Quick Classroom Reminders:

  • Parents, please remind yourself you are doing a great job parenting, and your child’s teacher and support staff are a phone call, chat, or email away if help is needed

  • We invite you to have your child wear their Halloween costume to school on October 31 for our annual parade and “spooky” Halloween Sing (at 9:30am)

  • Please be sure your child has extra clothes in his/her cubby





October Birthdays:

Coming soon!


September Infant Newsletter


Hello September~

We are excited to begin our fall curriculum! A warm welcome to our new students, Dax, Cruz, Quinn, and Emery. Daphne, Mackenzie, and Lily will transition to the toddler classroom. We will miss them, but they show signs of readiness for joining the toddler community!

Each week, the infants will focus on a different type of work. Lessons will be posted on the bulletin board outside our classroom and referenced in our weekly email. The weekly focus gives the infant teachers an opportunity to observe the babies working in a structured manner while watching the types of work they most enjoy. This month, we will focus on sensory work, language (colors and shapes), and gross motor skills. 

Learn to move, move to learn:
Babies need to move freely in a safe
place. When babies are allowed to move
and explore on their own, they learn about
their environment and abilities. Babies
develop confidence and problem-solving
skills as they move, explore, and relate to
their environment.
— RIE Principal

Dates to remember:

September 3: PFM closed for Labor Day

Weekly Focus:

September 4-7: Sensory (biting work)

September 10-14: Language (wooden house with shapes)

September 17-21: Cognitive (bell shaker; put-and-take work)

September 24-28: Gross motor (wood climber)


Head of School Newsletter: September 2018

PFM Families,

We are so happy to be back with your children again and begin the new school year with you! This is a very fun time of year at school for teachers and the children.  The classes are full of cheer and anticipation for the year ahead.

This month our infant room welcomes Cruz Pareti, Dax Freeman, Branca Lippitt and Quinn and Emery McAninch. We are so happy to have all of these sweet little ones and their wonderful families join us. The toddler room welcomes Daphne, Mackenzie and Lily from the toddler room.  They are already having a fantastic time playing with their older friends! North Preschool welcomes Avery Lambeth and Cedric Punnoose this month as well as Ivan Toms from the toddler room. South Preschool welcomes Kiano Milard, Zoe Cordeau and Noah Lee from the toddler room as well as Alina Woolery who just moved here from Jamaica! We are all having a fabulous time getting to know each other.

The countdown is on until our new playground is installed! Keep in mind, we will be closed on October 8, 9, and 10 to allow time for the work to be completed. We cannot wait to see the children’s faces when they return to school and see it!

Preschool families, we invite you to join us for Curriculum Night on September 27 from 5:00 to 6:00 pm in the preschool classrooms to learn more about your child’s day and the Montessori Philosophy that we follow here at school.  Thank you all for bringing your children to us each day and for trusting us to care for them and nurture their learning. We love them all so much and you all, too. 

Have a wonderful month everyone!

Teddi Blades

Director & Owner, PFM

September North Preschool Newsletter


Hello September~


This month, the North Preschool students will work with apples! We will enjoy apple tasting, apple slicing, and apple painting. At circle, we will read, "Ten Apples Up on Top," "The Apple Pie Tree," and "Apples and Pumpkins."

"Our care of the child should be governed, not by the desire to make him learn things, but by the endeavor always to keep burning within him that light which is called intelligence."--Maria Montessori

Dates to remember:

  • PFM re-opens on Tuesday, September 4
  • Extended-day field trip to Seattle Children's Theater on September 18
  • Preschool Curriculum Night from 5-6:00pm on September 27

Quick Classroom Reminders:

  • Please be sure your child has extra clothes in his/her cubby

  • Please store rain gear (including boots, coats, and rain pants) at school

  • Breakfast club ends at 8:30am

  • Please demonstrate "walking feet" to your child when entering and exiting the classrooms




September Birthdays:

Eddie (4)--September 11 ; Evie (5)--September 20!
