NEW -- October Afternoon Preschool Newsletter — Pacific First Montessori

NEW -- October Afternoon Preschool Newsletter


Hello October~

New to our newsletters—welcome to afternoon preschool. =)

In September, we launched into space! The students took turns being astronauts and rode the PFM “rocket” to the moon. We explored the terrain and communicated with the control center at NASA. We also learned about the weather on earth and dressed up for rainy and snowy days.

Students enjoyed taking a trip to the “library” (in our classroom) to practice checking out books and returning them to the appropriate shelf. The afternoon works were book themed—we wore cardigans, glasses, and issued library cards! We also visited to the hair and nail salon, mall, and many other fun places.

In October, our theme will be all things farm-related. We will take turns milking cows, collecting eggs, and plucking carrots. We will visit a Parisian cafe to enjoy crullers and sip “coffee.” Of course, all food items will be purchased with euros.

In addition, we will visit the market to buy fresh fruits and veggies and trick-or-treat throughout our PFM “neighborhood.”

Afternoon Preschool Updates:

If you'd like to see our afternoon preschool program in action, we invite you to visit our space anytime between 4:00-5:00pm!
