Home Visit Information and Tips

Home visits are voluntary, but we highly encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity, as it is such a special process that we offer at PFM! Visiting the home of a student provides the teacher insight on what the child’s interests are and how they interact with family, while also giving them a clearer picture of what the child’s life is like outside of the classroom. The visit usually last 30 minutes. Please be aware that some teachers will be commuting by bus or driving to your homes for the first time and this can cause them to be later than planned. A sign-up sheet will be placed in the lobby soon with dates and times for your child’s teacher to come and visit your home.

Tips for a Successful Home Visit:

It is a good idea to have your child open the door and greet their teacher themselves. Practicing this with your child before the visit is a good idea. It is okay if they turn shy at the last minute and want you to open the door for them.

During the visit you can have things planned such as tea time, a little snack, a tour of the house (you do not have to show every room, just the ones your child uses most). The children usually like to show their teachers their bedroom, and where their toys are kept. Having a special book or toy to show their teacher is always a good idea. This creates an easy opening for communication.

Home visits are not a time to talk about your child’s progress or the issues they may be having in the classroom. Discussions such as these should be scheduled during school hours with your child’s teacher.

Some good topics to discuss are: who your child is playing with, what your child likes to do on the playground, what songs they like to sing, what foods they like to eat at lunch, etc.

When the visit is coming to a close, the teacher will ask to see one last thing and then you can help your child say their goodbyes. A hug and a thank you are always nice ways to end a home visit.

Helping Children Understand Emotions

If you ever wonder how we, as infant, toddler and preschool educators handle all the emotions we see each day from the children while here at school, the answer is simple: we have learned what works!  We use children’s emotions as teaching and learning opportunities to help guide them through their development.  Children’s emotions are a big deal during this time in their lives and labeling emotions and talking about emotions with children is the first step in helping them learn how to deal with anger, sadness, disappointment and confusion.  In order for us to help your child as best as we can here at school, it is helpful if parents are using the same approach at home, too.  It may sound so simple, but the act of doing this successfully takes daily practice and repetition.  The ideas from the following handout can and should be used for all ages of children, even babies!


Reducing Your Child's Anxiety During Drop Off

Beginning a new school year can lead to excitement and anxiousness in both parents and children.  As teachers and support staff, we understand this and want to help ease this burden for both you and your child.  If your child cries at drop off, please know that this is completely normal and we will do all we can to help them feel safe and secure as they ease into their day.  If you would like a call or email from your child’s teacher to let you know your child has calmed down, please let the teacher know and we are happy to do this for you!  There is a good article on the healthychildren.org website that gives great advice on how to create a simple and supportive drop off routine for your child.  We highly encourage all parents to visit the link provided to this article to learn more about what separation anxiety is and the things you can do as parents to help your child through this.