Reducing Your Child's Anxiety During Drop Off

Beginning a new school year can lead to excitement and anxiousness in both parents and children.  As teachers and support staff, we understand this and want to help ease this burden for both you and your child.  If your child cries at drop off, please know that this is completely normal and we will do all we can to help them feel safe and secure as they ease into their day.  If you would like a call or email from your child’s teacher to let you know your child has calmed down, please let the teacher know and we are happy to do this for you!  There is a good article on the website that gives great advice on how to create a simple and supportive drop off routine for your child.  We highly encourage all parents to visit the link provided to this article to learn more about what separation anxiety is and the things you can do as parents to help your child through this.

Click the link above to read the full article!