A Season of Change
This month, South Preschool will take a closer look at the signs of seasonal change. Students will match gourds and learn the life cycle of a pumpkin. They will also spend time carefully observing leaves shedding their green colors to reveal their fall splendor. during circle, they’ll sing ‘autumn leaves are falling down’ and ‘there’s a spider on the floor.’
“Growth is not merely an increase in size, but a transformation.”
Dates to Remember:
October 11: PFM Closed for In-Service
October 23: Craven Farms @ 9:30
October 31: Halloween Sing @ 9:35
quick classroom reminders…
Breakfast Club ends at 8:30. If your child would like to eat breakfast at school, please make sure you are here before then.
Please remember to keep toys at home or in the car, unless your child is bringing them in for their sharing day.
HOME VISITS start this month. Please sign up for a date and time in the lobby. If you are in need of a particular day or time that is not listed, feel free to email. You may alternatively opt to have a CONFERENCE at school instead of a home visit.