
June South Preschool Newsletter


Hello June~


This month, the South Preschool students will learn about shells. They’ll complete seashell matching and sorting work and a sensory-related shell project. Additionally, the preschool students will complete a special project in celebration of Father’s Day!

“There is a great sense of community within the Montessori classroom, where children of differing ages work together in an atmosphere of cooperation rather than competitiveness.”--Maria Montessori

Dates to remember:

  • Tiny Tots at Benaroya Hall on June 7, 9:00-10:30 a.m.
  • Father's Day Donuts with Dad on June 14, 7:30-9:00 a.m.
  • Preschool Graduation on June 28

Quick Classroom Reminders:

  • Please be sure your child has extra clothes in his/her cubby





June Birthdays:

Aria (4) June 2


June North Preschool Newsletter


Hello June~


This month, the North Preschool students will learn about hummingbirds. They’ll study the anatomy, habits, and life cycle of the hummingbird. Additionally, the preschool students will complete a special art project in celebration of Father’s Day!

“The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child’s own natural desire to learn.”--Maria Montessori

Dates to remember:

  • Tiny Tots at Benaroya Hall on June 7, 9:00-10:30 a.m.
  • Father's Day Donuts with Dad on June 14, 7:30-9:00 a.m.
  • Preschool Graduation on June 28

Quick Classroom Reminders:

  • Please be sure your child has extra clothes in his/her cubby




June Birthdays:

Anna (3) June 22


June Toddler Newsletter


Hello June~


This month, the toddler students will study insects. They’ll enjoy sorting and matching different types of insects and complete insect-themed art. Additionally, we’ll work with insects in Play-Doh—a classroom favorite! During circle, we’ll sing “The Ants Go Marching One by One,” “The Insect Song,” and “A Fly is on My Toe.”

“The senses, being explorers of the world, open the way to knowledge.”--Maria Montessori

Dates to remember:

  • Tiny Tots at Benaroya Hall on June 7, 9:00-10:30 a.m.
  • Father's Day Donuts with Dad on June 14, 7:30-9:00 a.m.
  • Preschool Graduation on June 28

Quick Classroom Reminders:

Please check to see that your child has extra clothes and diapers in the classroom.




June Birthdays:

Lars (2) June 1


June Infant Newletter


Hello June~

This month, our theme is summer! We will have several summer-related works on the shelves, including puzzles, art, and bottle shakers.

Weekly focus—

  • Week one: Cognitive (put and take)

  • Week two: Practical life (sandal and hat basket)

  • Week three: Fine motor (stacking)

  • Week four: Sensorial (shakers)

An authentic child is one who feels secure, autonomous, competent, and connected.
When we help a child to feel secure, feel appreciated, feel that ‘somebody is deeply, truly interested in me,’ by the way we just look, the way we just listen, we influence that child’s whole personality, the way that child sees life.
— RIE Principal

Dates to remember:

  • Father's Day Donuts with Dad on June 14, 7:30-9:00 a.m.
  • Preschool Graduation on June 28

Classroom reminder:

Please label your child's bottles and/or food with their first and last name, date, and the type of milk or food. Let us know if your child has dietary restrictions! We'll update thier file and ensure these are monitored during communal snack times. Thank you!

June Birthdays:

Coming soon!


Help Your Child Develop Self-Control

Self-control is defined as the ability to express and cope with strong emotions in a healthy, productive manner. For infants and young children, this may include saying, “I’m mad at you,” rather than hitting or biting a peer or family member. Self-control requires critical thinking skills, an integral part of child development. Young children learn these skills through interactions with others and guidance from parents and caregivers.

Infants are born with little-to-no self-control, but these skills will develop over time! Parents and caregivers can promote self-control by providing supportive and nurturing care. For example, if an infant becomes upset when being changed, the caregiver can communicate with the infant. Saying “I see you’re upset, and we are almost done,” can be meaningful for the baby. This validates the infant’s emotions and assures them their needs will be met.

In the classroom, our teachers and assistant staff demonstrate empathy and self-control when engaging with students. We invite you to read more about how to help your child develop self-control in this article.

June South Class Newsletter


Important dates this month...

June 15th: Donuts with Dad! 7:30-9am

June 28th: Graduation!

June 29th-July 6th: PFM closed


Hey June!


This month will be all about bugs in the classroom. The children are all fascinated by the tiniest of Mother Nature’s creations- the insects. Often when one is found in the classroom, great care is taken to ensure it gets back outside in one piece. So this month in the classroom we will explore the names of different insects, their body parts, and their life cycles. We will focus our attention on the butterfly and even care for our own caterpillars towards the end of the month and watch their metamorphosis into butterflies!

We will also continue our work with feelings this month- identifying our own feelings, how to handle them, and noticing them in others. We will create our own feelings books, sort feelings cards, and talk about breathing and meditation.

Congratulations to all of our graduates this month as well!


Thank you for sharing your beautiful children with me this year and happy June!




We discovered that education is not something which the teacher does, but that it is a natural process which develops spontaneously in the human being.
— Maria Montessori

Ways to bring the classroom home in June...

Ways to Bring the Classroom Home This Month

• Go on a bug hunt: Take a magnifying glass outside with you and search in the soil for the tiniest bugs you can find. Watch them for a while and talk about what they do.

• Order your own caterpillars: You can raise your own caterpillars that come in the mail! (www.insectlore.com). They are easy to care for and release when butterflies!

• Talk about feelings: draw some pictures of faces or print some out online of the basic emotions. Make them in the mirror together and talk about the things in life that cause these feelings. Then talk about what to do when you’re feeling that way.

• Practice the “silence game:” this is a quintessential Montessori activity that allows children the opportunity to slow down and notice the world around them. Find a spot inside or outside to sit for 1 full minute without talking, then discuss what sounds you heard together (more info on this activity here: https://livingmontessorinow.com/the-silence-game/).

Sounds this month...

Our sounds have been put in order by the AMS sound groups- the easiest to pronounce and write to the hardest.

June 4th-8th: Rr

June 11th-15th: Gg

June 18th-22nd: Yy

June 25th-28th: Zz


Birthdays this month


Nadia will celebrate her birthday this month on the 16th- Happy birthday Nadia!


June North Class Newsletter


Important dates this month...

June 7- Tiny Tots at Benaroya Hall

June 14 - Father's Day Donuts with Dads 7:30-9 am

June 28- Preschool Graduation!

June 29-July 6th: PFM Closed

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                     This June we will become paleontologists and study dinosaurs! We will begin our study on these prehistoric mysteries by learning the names of different kinds of dinosaurs, when they lived, where they lived and what they ate! At circle time we will sing songs about dinosaurs and take turns asking questions about dinosaurs. We will discover that some of our questions can be answered, but perhaps some of our questions will remain a mystery!          

                       This month we will also be celebrating Father's Day with a doughnut brunch! In the weeks leading up to the special brunch we will be preparing gifts and cards for dads. And of course no gift would be complete without some beautiful wrapping. After our Father's Day celebration it will be time to prepare for Graduation. All preschoolers will sing a few songs at the beginning of the program, then the graduates will perform a play, then they will receive their preschool graduation certificate and afterwards we will celebrate with a family Pot-Luck. Please bring a dish to share and plan to stick around for lunch (even if your child is not yet graduating)! This is always such a fun time to catch up and get to know all the families at PFM better. I can't wait to see you there!




Children are like tiny flowers; they are varied and need care, but each is beautiful alone and glorious when seen in the community of peers.
— Fredrick Froebel

Sounds this month...

June 4- 8 Ww

June 11-15 Vv

June18- 22 Kk

June 25-28 Hh


Birthdays this month


June 4th Isla turns 5!


June Toddler Newsletter


Important dates this month...

June 15th: Donuts with Dad! 7:30-9am

June 28th: Preschool Graduation!

June 29th-July 6th: PFM closed


Happy June!


This month we'll be learning about colors! We will be exploring the different colors we see in nature and in every day life!


Now, what really makes a teacher is love for the human child; for it is love that transforms the social duty of the educator into the higher consciousness of a mission.
— Maria Montessori

Weekly Curriculum:

Week 1: Color Baskets

Week 2: Rainbow Sensory Bin

Week 3: Rabbit Tail Color Matching

Week 4: Color Wheel
