PFM Families,
We had a fantastic March! This year’s auction was incredibly successful thanks to the generous donations and purchases from our families. We thank you for helping make this school as great as it can be! Because of your support, we will be able to send teachers to the AMS Montessori Conference next year and one teacher will get to go to the RIE Conference as well! Teacher education is incredibly important, and we are lucky to be able to further our learning to support all of the children in our care each day.
Grace’s little sister Max joined the infant room this month! We are so excited to have both of the Van Osdol kiddos at the school now. Frida joined North preschool, and Camilla transitioned to North class from the toddler room.
In April, the toddlers and preschooler students will take a trip to “Tiny Tots” at Benaroya Hall. This is always one of our favorite events. We also begin preschool conferences in the month of April. We strongly encourage all families to sign up for a parent-teacher conference to learn about your child’s progress in the classroom.
Looking forward to a great month ahead!
Teddi Blades
Director & Owner, PFM