December News
Happy Winter Families!
This month we are lucky enough to have a gingerbread display in our building! We will take lots of building walks this month on the first floor to explore it. We also plan on visiting the Macy’s train display and the Westlake carousel. It is a nice chance to talk about the different lights and colors that we see during the walks each day. Having more opportunities to communicate with the babies is great! We strive to talk to them as much as we can, whether we are narrating our actions, or talking about what we see!
Important dates this month
December 15th Holiday Sing-along 9:30am
December 22nd-January 1st Winter Break; PFM Closed
Dont Forget!
Thank you for filling out our the daily schedule each day. This is important as it helps us know when each child last ate and helps us plan naps and food throughout the day!
For days that are not too chilly or wet outside, a warm coat is needed in your child’s cubby.
Happy Holidays!
Sosi and the infant room