Toddler April Newsletter — Pacific First Montessori

Toddler April Newsletter

baby animals


Hello Toddler Families,

March was such a wonderful explosion of color in our classroom! It felt like the perfect lead-in to the magic of spring and all its new life, which brings us into our theme for this April: baby animals. Over the week, we slowly started phasing out our color works and replacing them with farm families, life cycles, and the like..

We also gave our Train Table a farm makeover and have been setting up little Invitations to Play for the toddlers to discover when they enter the space. These fun setups encourage creative, non-directive play that encourages open-ended exploration and imagination. Plus, they're quite fun for teachers too and remind us to keep in touch with our inner child.

We will be spending the month working on our classroom project - a large canvas print with layered paper. The toddlers sure love adding their own personal pieces of paper, and a group project setting allows for great social-emotional skills such as turn taking and sharing to emerge. So much fun!


Important Dates to Remember:


Classroom Reminders…

  • Please continue bringing your child’s warm coat throughout the month.

  • As spring approaches this means more rain out on the playground! Do ensure that your tot has all their rain gear (boots, rain pants, rain coat) each day.

Happy Birthday

No toddler birthday's this month

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