Hello Toddler Families,
This month we've entered an explosion of color as we study rainbows. In addition to identifying and mixing colors, the work in the classroom will reflect their shape and quality of light by including many arches, curves, and transparent objects.
Over on our practical life shelf, we have lots of color matching work, starting with the 3 primary colors and adding secondary colors as we move down the shelf. This month, our puzzle shelf adds a little fine motor challenge with the addition of both a latch and magnet board. Our art shelf includes open ended materials with vibrant colors for the children to explore their creativity. The toddlers even helped us dye the pasta by pouring vinegar and food coloring into a ziploc of noodles and shaking it around! We did this over several days and finally assembled their sensory bins yesterday, adding scoops and cups for exploring :)
We kept the trains out for our train table since the children are still using them in such engaging ways, but we added a few supplementary items to extend their thinking. Rainbows took over our music shelf too! Lastly, our sensory shelf is full of colorful items with a heavy emphasis on transparency, for use on or off the Light Table. Even our playground went technicolor with the addition of pyramid blocks, waffle blocks, colored frogs with corresponding pads, and Squiggz.
Such a fun and colorful month we have planned in the toddler classroom!
Important Dates to Remember:
Classroom Reminders…
Please continue bringing your child’s warm coat throughout the month.
As spring approaches this means more rain out on the playground! Do ensure that your tot has all their rain gear (boots, rain pants, rain coat) each day.
Happy Birthday
No toddler birthday's this month