Themes this month:
Grocery story
It’s the beginning of the holiday season and your kids have a lot coming up in the afternoon.
This month they will start by going to the grocery store where they can buy some much needed supplies, help a customer or two, and buy flowers to decorate their house.
After buying all their food at the grocery story they will prepare it for a Thanksgiving dinner. They will set the table, cook their feast in the kitchen, and “eat” their splendor with their friends.
“Imagination does not become great until human beings, given the courage and strength, use it to create.”
Important Dates:
November 11th: PFM Closed for Veteran's Day
November 28th & 29th: PFM Closed for Thanksgiving Break
Classroom Reminders...
Please make sure to look on top of the cubbies for clothes that need to go home (these are dirty or accident clothes).