Happy April families!
Dates to Remember:
Saturday, April 21st 9am-12pm:
Baby Brunch
April news
As babies begin to move around
their environments more, we
provide them with opportunities
for movement. We have ample
classroom space for crawling,
rolling, and other movement and
dedicated work time to move
around freely. The wooden
climber and soft climbers also
help with gross motor
“Whilst learning to turn on the belly, to
roll, creep, sit, stand and walk, (the
baby) is not only learning those
movements but also how to learn. He
learns to do something on his own, to be
interested, to try out, to experiment. He
learns to overcome difficulties. He
comes to know the joy and satisfaction
which is derived from this success, the
result of his patience and persistence.”
Staff Hours
Sosina: 7am-3pm
Bua: 8-4pm
Mimi: 8:45-4:45
Teresa: 10:30-6:30pm
Brenda: 2pm-6:30pm
Happy Spring!