Happy Spring!
Dates to remember this month:
• Saturday March 10th: PFM Auction at the WAC!
• Monday and Tuesday March 20th/21st: Bring your parent to school days!
Happy march!
It is hard to believe it is already March! We are going to counteract any grey weather that comes our way by learning about rainbows! We will learn the colors of the rainbow in both English and in Spanish, when we can observe rainbows, and how rainbows are made. In the practical life section of our classroom we will experiment with color mixing, color sorting and making rainbow bracelets. Our classroom will be a colorful reprieve from the rainy gray that March typically brings to Seattle.
Our fish tank will be getting a new addition this month that may just inspire a zoological study. We will be adding 2 frogs to our tank! We will study this new creature by learning its different body parts, learning the life cycle of a frog and observing it in its habitat.
We will celebrating the Spring Equinox on March 20th by planting seeds both in our classroom and on our playground!
“The greatest development is achieved during the first years of life, and therefore it is then that the greatest care should be taken”
Sounds this month:
March 1- 2 - Xx
March 5-9 - Aa
March 12-16 - Ff
March 19-23 -Gg
March 26-30- Cc
Birthdays and transitions this month...
- Aidan turns 4 March 9th
- John turns 3 March 30th
Bring your parents to school day
This month we are offering an opportunity for you to come into the classroom and see some of your child’s favorite works. They are always so full of pride showing you their school environment and the care they take in their work and this will be a wonderful opportunity to see what the day is like. I will be putting out a sign-up sheet with different time slots throughout the day and you can choose a time that is convenient for you.