Hello January~
This month, we welcome new student, Harlem, to the infant classroom. Our friends Quinn and Emery will transition to the toddler classroom!
Our classroom focus is transportation. We will learn about cars, trains, and busses and enjoy working with matching cards and completing art projects that are transportation themed. There will be push and pull cars for the infants to work with, too!
“Learn to move, move to learn:
Babies need to move freely in a safe
place. When babies are allowed to move
and explore on their own, they learn about
their environment and abilities. Babies
develop confidence and problem-solving
skills as they move, explore, and relate to
their environment. ”
Dates to remember:
- PFM reopens after winter break on January 2
- PFM will be closed Monday, January 21 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Classroom reminder:
Please check your child's cubby at pickup to see whether they are low on supplies. It is important your child has spare diapers and clothing. If they have outgrown clothing items, you are invited to donate them to our small supply. Thank you!