November Toddler Newsletter


Hello November~


This month, the toddler students will focus on leaves! Work will include leaf lacing, leaf matching, leaf rubbing, and working with leaf cookie cutters (with cinnamon Play-Doh). We will also have leaves, pinecones, and sticks incorporated into the sensory bin.

Additionally, we will learn about animals that live in the forest. This will be part of a matching work, available on the shelf in the toddler classroom.


β€œThe child has a mind able to absorb knowledge.”--Maria Montessori

Dates to remember:

  • PFM will be closed November 12 for Veteran's Day
  • Join us for Thanksgiving brunch on November 15 from 7:30-9:00am
  • PFM will be closed November 22-23 for the Thanksgiving holiday

Quick Classroom Reminders:

  • Please store rain gear (including boots, coats, and rain pants) at school

  • If you have questions about your child's day, we invite you to email us at





November Birthdays:

Coming soon!
