March North Preschool Newsletter


Hello March~


This month, the North Preschool students will study rainbows and reptiles! They will learn about the different colors of the rainbow, make collages, and practice mixing colors. Additionally, they will learn about different reptiles with an emphasis on snakes! (Snakes seem to be a fan-favorite in North Preschool.)

β€œThe child has a mind able to absorb knowledge. S/he has the power to teach her/himself.”--Maria Montessori

Dates to remember:

  • PFM will be closed Friday, March 8 for Teacher In-Service
  • The PFM Auction and Fundraiser will be held at the WAC on Saturday, March 16

Quick Classroom Reminders:

  • Please be sure your child has extra warm clothes in his/her cubby

  • Please store rain gear (including boots, coats, hats, and rain pants) at school




March Birthdays:

Cameron (3) March 16 ; John (4) March 30
