This month South Preschool will dive into the fall harvest season. Grounding themselves in the geography of North America, they’ll look at the properties of corn, learning its parts, its life cycle, and plucking kernels off the cob. They’ll also examine the storing behaviors of animals like squirrels, raccoons, and chipmunks and study the history of the landing of the Mayflower.
“Give the world to the small child.”
Dates to Remember:
November 11th: PFM Closed for Veteran's Day
November 21st: Thanksgiving Brunch (7:30 - 9:00)
November 28th & 29th: PFM Closed for Thanksgiving Break
Classroom Reminders...
If you arrive during morning outside time, please take your child to the bathroom before dropping them off on the playground.
Please leave toys at home, except for on your child’s sharing days.