Happy February Families!
Happy month of love everyone!
Dates to remember this month:
- Thursday Feb 8th: Valentine’s craft night 4-5:30pm
- Monday Feb 19th: closed for President’s Day
- Friday Feb 16th: Tiny Tots
happy February!
This month in our class we will learn all about the panda bear! We will talk about their diet, the parts of their body, their life cycle, and their habitat. Along with our study of their habitat, we will learn about Asia as we get ready to celebrate the Lunar New Year.
We will also make our own valentines, learn about sink versus float, and refine our palettes with the tasting bottles (sweet, sour, salty, and bitter).
It should be a fun month full of love and kindness! I look forward to sharing it with you all!
“The first essential for the child’s development is concentration. The child who concentrates is immensely happy.”
Ways to bring our curriculum to your home this month...
• Create a “kindness tree” in your home: Write kind and helpful deeds family members do for each other on small pieces of paper and attach to the tree with pipe cleaners to celebrate their kindness!
• Experiment with sink and float: Using the bathtub, sink, or a bucket fill part way with water and see what you can find to test- talk about your predictions and then test them out to see if it sinks or floats.
• Practice silence: Tell your child you’re going to play a game called silence. Sit with a timer set for 1 minute and just listen. When the timer is up, talk about all the sounds you heard and how nice it was to get so still and quiet.
• Do a taste-test: Make a plate of little bites of food to try together. Talk about the flavors you taste and if they are sweet, salty, sour, or bitter. You can also discuss where the food comes from (an animal, a plant, etc).
Sounds this month:
Our sounds have been put in order by the AMS sound groups- the easiest to pronounce and write to the hardest
February 5th-9th: Kk
February 12th-16th: Gg
February 19th-23rd: Uu
February 26th-March 2nd: Jj
February birthdays...
Caption for image.
- We will celebrate Anneliese’s birthday on the 6th
- Hunter also has a birthday on the 6th
- Alex has a birthday on the 16th
- Avi’s birthday is on the 24th
other stuff...
• Please be mindful of the accessories your child brings to school…things like big bracelets, lots of hair clips, etc. can often be distracting in the classroom and often go missing. Sometimes these items are best saved for special weekend days.
• Please feel free to bring in any special books or resources you may have at home relating to our monthly curriculum! We would love it!
• Our bunnies LOVE veggie and fruit scraps. If you have any carrot ends, lettuce scraps, apple peels, etc. feel free to bring them in for the bunnies. The children adore feeding them throughout the day.