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Toddler August Newsletter



Happy August Toddler Families! This month Toddlers will learn about Insects! Our classroom work will include insect-themed work, images of different types of bugs throughout our space, and more! Some of our learning objectives include:

  • Types of insects 

  • Parts of insects

  • Insect songs and fingerplay 

  • Sensory tubs with insects

What fun! Look for updates on all that we do in our class this month posted onto Moment Path - our new parent/teacher communication portal.

Also a classroom update - Ms. Teresa (infant room teacher) will be working in our classroom each morning from 7:45-12:30. Welcome Teresa!

Important Dates to Remember:

August 4th: Dress in your favorite color head to toe!

August 11th: Dance Party & Karoke Day!

August 18th: Ice Cream Party!

August 25th: Pajama Day!

August 30th: Teacher In-Service Day; PFM Closed

August 31st: Teacher In-Service Day; PFM Closed

Classroom notes:

  • What a heatwave we had at the beginning of this month! Just a reminder that if temperatures get too hot we limit our time outdoors to 15 minutes or less

Happy Birthday!

No August Birthdays


South Preschool August Newsletter

the ocean


South Preschool Families,

This month North Preschool will learn about the Ocean! Some of our learning objectives will include:

  • Different types of sea life animals

  • Reach ocean themed books

  • Different water color depths of the ocean

  • Sink and Float

  • Washing sea shells

Much of this knowledge will come from our daily circle lessons- then talked about throughout the day. And of course our classroom has lots of fun ocean themed work and décor, too! Look for updates on all that we do in our class this month posted onto Moment Path - our new parent/teacher communication portal.


Important Dates to Remember:

August 4th: Dress in your favorite color head to toe!

August 11th: Dance Party & Karoke Day!

August 18th: Ice Cream Party!

August 25th: Pajama Day!

August 30th: Teacher In-Service Day; PFM Closed

August 31st: Teacher In-Service Day; PFM Closed


  • What a heatwave we had at the beginning of this month! Just a reminder that if temperatures get too hot we limit our time outdoors to 15 minutes or less


No August Birthdays


North Preschool August Newsletter


Hello North Preschool Families,

This month North Preschool will learn about Bees! Some of our learning objectives will include:

  • Life-cycle of bee

  • Different types of bees

  • What bees are good for

  • How honey is made

Among others. So much fun! Look for updates on all that we do in our class this month posted onto Moment Path - our new parent/teacher communication portal.


Important Dates to Remember:

August 4th: Dress in your favorite color head to toe!

August 11th: Dance Party & Karoke Day!

August 18th: Ice Cream Party!

August 25th: Pajama Day!

August 30th: Teacher In-Service Day; PFM Closed

August 31st: Teacher In-Service Day; PFM Closed

Classroom Notes…

  • What a heatwave we had at the beginning of this month! Just a reminder that if temperatures get too hot we limit our time outdoors to 15 minutes or less

Happy Birthday

July 20: Westin W


Infant August Newsletter

things that go


Trains, busses, cars, planes, oh my! So many different methods of transportation, and the infants are excited to learn about them all during the month of August! Our classroom work will include transportation-themed touches, images of different types of vehicles throughout our space, and more!

This month we will learn about:

  • Color car matching

  • Boats, airplanes, cars, trains, and trucks

  • Song, (Little Red Caboose, There’s A Train, Wheels on the Bus)

  • Transportation puzzle 

  • Gross motor cars

What fun! Look for updates on all that we do in our class this month posted onto Moment Path - our new parent/teacher communication portal.

A classroom update - Ms. Mimi will be starting in our classroom at the beginning of August. Welcome back Mimi! Her hours will be 10:30-6:30pm each day.

Important Dates to Remember:

August 25th: Pajama Day

August 30th: Teacher In-Service Day; PFM Closed

August 31st: Teacher In-Service Day; PFM Closed

Classroom notes:

  • Infants are encouraged to eat and drink on their own so they may have several outfit changes per day. When your child is in need of a restock on a cubby supply look for a message via Moment Path messages.

No August Birthdays


North Preschool July Newsletter

shells and the ocean


Hello North Preschool Families,

Happy July! This month is all about the ocean and beaches and the delightful signs of summer that they bring. Some of our work this month will include:

  • Practical life - pouring sand & pouring water with pitchers

  • Math - numbered fish 1-10

  • Art - an ocean collage; coloring in shades of blue with crayons and markers

  • Ocean puzzle

Among other work. So much fun! Look for updates on all that we do in our class this month posted onto Moment Path - our new parent/teacher communication portal.


Important Dates to Remember:


Classroom Notes…

  • What a heatwave we had at the beginning of this month! Just a reminder that if temperatures get too hot we limit our time outdoors to 15 minutes or less

Happy Birthday

July 20: Westin W


Toddler July Newsletter

things that go


Trains, busses, cars, planes, oh my! So many different methods of transportation, and the toddlers are determined to learn them all during the month of July! Our classroom work will include transportation-themed touches, images of different types of vehicles throughout our space, and more!

Some of the types of vehicles we will learn about include:

  • land

  • sea/under & above water

  • air

  • space

What fun! Look for updates on all that we do in our class this month posted onto Moment Path - our new parent/teacher communication portal.

Important Dates to Remember:


Classroom notes:

  • What a heatwave we had at the beginning of this month! Just a reminder that if temperatures get too hot we limit our time outdoors to 15 minutes or less

Happy Birthday!

July 7th Charlie C

July 14th Harper D


South Preschool July Newsletter



South Preschool Families,

For the month of July our classroom will be learning all about a Jurassic topic - dinosaurs! Some of our learning objectives for the month will include:

  • names of dinosaurs

  • what dinosaurs ate

  • when dinosaurs lived

  • how big they grew

  • where they lived

Much of this knowledge will come from our daily circle lessons- then talked about throughout the day. And of course our classroom has lots of fun dinosaur work and décor, too! Look for updates on all that we do in our class this month posted onto Moment Path - our new parent/teacher communication portal.


Important Dates to Remember:



  • What a heatwave we had at the beginning of this month! Just a reminder that if temperatures get too hot we limit our time outdoors to 15 minutes or less


No July Birthdays


Infant July Newsletter



Hello Infant Families, Happy July. This month is all about birds and the wonderful colors and sounds they bring! Some of our work this month will include:

  • sensory bin filled with bird nests and eggs

  • classroom books about the birds

  • stacking bird puzzle

  • bird cage mobile and collage on our wall

  • daily songs such as “5 Little Birds”

Look for updates on all that we do in our class this month posted onto Moment Path - our new parent/teacher communication portal.


Important Dates to Remember:


Classroom reminder…

  • What a heatwave we had at the beginning of this month! Just a reminder that if temperatures get too hot we limit our time outdoors to 15 minutes or less

Happy Birthday

No Infant Room July Birthdays
