July North Preschool Newsletter


Hello July~


This month, the North Preschool students will learn about seashells! They will sort and match different types of shells, complete shell-themed art and sensory work, and count pearls. During circle, we will sing “Five Little Seashells” and “Take me Out to the Ocean.” We’ll also practice the iconic tongue twister, “She Sells Seashells by the Seashore.”

“The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child’s own natural desire to learn.”--Maria Montessori

Dates to remember:

  • July 8: Pajama Day
  • July 11: Ice Cream Social at PFM (3:00 p.m. for North Preschool)
  • July 18: Field Day at PFM
  • July 25: Visit the Fountain at Seattle Center

Quick Classroom Reminders:

  • Please be sure your child has extra clothes in his/her cubby




July Birthdays:

Coming soon!


Everyday Ways to Support Your Baby's and Toddler's Early Learning

Learning begins the moment your child enters the world. They learn about themselves, their caregivers, and their surrounding environment. Within the first three years — a critical period — your child will observe and experience lessons and interactions that shape their early learning experiences.

The below areas highlight opportunities to enhance early learning while caring for your child:

  • Language and communication

  • Thinking skills

  • Self-control

  • Self-confidence

The way you communicate with your child shapes future communication skills and interactions. Learn more about these areas, as well as tips and best practices here.

Head of School Newsletter: July

PFM Families,

We are so proud of our PFM graduates! They did an excellent job practicing and then performing their play at preschool graduation. We said goodbye to a few of our graduates that day (cue tears) but most will be here for the whole summer! Swim lessons begin this week at the YMCA for our oldest children (extended dayers) and the kids are very excited for this.  We also have a full summer of fun field trips planned. Preschoolers will be the ones partaking in the off-site trips, but infants and toddlers will be able to participate in all of our in-house field trips so there is fun for everyone!

Summer brings lots of change and moving pieces to the PFM puzzle:

Max will transition to the toddler room in July! The infants and infant teachers sure will miss her. Luckily she is nearby for them to visit her often.  Wiley and Brody will transition to North Preschool in July! Teacher Lex and Erika are so excited to welcome them into preschool. They have already been playing with the preschoolers during morning outside time and fit right in. North preschool said goodbye to Meredith and Evelyn after graduation – we sure will miss them!  South preschool said goodbye to Olivia and Zoe (Olivia will be attending her older brother’s school for Pre-K and Zoe will be staying home with mom and baby) and we already miss them too!

We are looking forward to many days spent out on our PFM playground with the children this summer. We hope to have a few “water days” where we have children bring swimwear and water shoes and we play in the sprinklers on the playground so we will keep you posted on this and when to bring their water gear and towels. Here’s to a great summer ahead!

Warmest regards,

Teddi Blades

Director & Owner, PFM

Head of School Newsletter: June

PFM Families,

June brings soooooo many fun things to children, parents and teachers here at PFM! Soon the graduates will begin practicing their graduation play and getting ready for the ceremony by helping make their costumes and the set for the play. We welcome all families to this exciting event and hope you all can make it! Preschool graduation is on Friday, June 28 and begins at noon. A potluck lunch will follow, so please bring your favorite dish to share.

On June 7, we take our final trip to Tiny Tots at Benaroya Hall.  On Friday, June 14, we welcome our dads to our annual Donuts with Dads at PFM! Join your child in their classroom for donuts and coffee on this special day to celebrate you!

The Preschool Summer Field Trip forms have been placed in the lobby. Be sure to take a peek at all of the exciting things planned for July and August.

Warmest regards,

Teddi Blades

Director & Owner, PFM

June South Preschool Newsletter


Hello June~


This month, the South Preschool students will learn about shells. They’ll complete seashell matching and sorting work and a sensory-related shell project. Additionally, the preschool students will complete a special project in celebration of Father’s Day!

“There is a great sense of community within the Montessori classroom, where children of differing ages work together in an atmosphere of cooperation rather than competitiveness.”--Maria Montessori

Dates to remember:

  • Tiny Tots at Benaroya Hall on June 7, 9:00-10:30 a.m.
  • Father's Day Donuts with Dad on June 14, 7:30-9:00 a.m.
  • Preschool Graduation on June 28

Quick Classroom Reminders:

  • Please be sure your child has extra clothes in his/her cubby





June Birthdays:

Aria (4) June 2


June North Preschool Newsletter


Hello June~


This month, the North Preschool students will learn about hummingbirds. They’ll study the anatomy, habits, and life cycle of the hummingbird. Additionally, the preschool students will complete a special art project in celebration of Father’s Day!

“The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child’s own natural desire to learn.”--Maria Montessori

Dates to remember:

  • Tiny Tots at Benaroya Hall on June 7, 9:00-10:30 a.m.
  • Father's Day Donuts with Dad on June 14, 7:30-9:00 a.m.
  • Preschool Graduation on June 28

Quick Classroom Reminders:

  • Please be sure your child has extra clothes in his/her cubby




June Birthdays:

Anna (3) June 22


June Toddler Newsletter


Hello June~


This month, the toddler students will study insects. They’ll enjoy sorting and matching different types of insects and complete insect-themed art. Additionally, we’ll work with insects in Play-Doh—a classroom favorite! During circle, we’ll sing “The Ants Go Marching One by One,” “The Insect Song,” and “A Fly is on My Toe.”

“The senses, being explorers of the world, open the way to knowledge.”--Maria Montessori

Dates to remember:

  • Tiny Tots at Benaroya Hall on June 7, 9:00-10:30 a.m.
  • Father's Day Donuts with Dad on June 14, 7:30-9:00 a.m.
  • Preschool Graduation on June 28

Quick Classroom Reminders:

Please check to see that your child has extra clothes and diapers in the classroom.




June Birthdays:

Lars (2) June 1


June Infant Newletter


Hello June~

This month, our theme is summer! We will have several summer-related works on the shelves, including puzzles, art, and bottle shakers.

Weekly focus—

  • Week one: Cognitive (put and take)

  • Week two: Practical life (sandal and hat basket)

  • Week three: Fine motor (stacking)

  • Week four: Sensorial (shakers)

An authentic child is one who feels secure, autonomous, competent, and connected.
When we help a child to feel secure, feel appreciated, feel that ‘somebody is deeply, truly interested in me,’ by the way we just look, the way we just listen, we influence that child’s whole personality, the way that child sees life.
— RIE Principal

Dates to remember:

  • Father's Day Donuts with Dad on June 14, 7:30-9:00 a.m.
  • Preschool Graduation on June 28

Classroom reminder:

Please label your child's bottles and/or food with their first and last name, date, and the type of milk or food. Let us know if your child has dietary restrictions! We'll update thier file and ensure these are monitored during communal snack times. Thank you!

June Birthdays:

Coming soon!
