
Infant January Newsletter


This month we will learn all about cars, trains, and busses with a transportation theme. We will focus on works that have to do with transportation, including flash cards for new vocabulary, cars to push and pull, and a song called “Zoom Down the Freeway.”

Weekly Focus

Week 1 – gross motor, push cars

Week 2 – fine motor, vehicle puzzle

Week 3 – cognitive, stacking work

Week 4 – social/emotional, baby dolls

Week 5 – language, flash cards


Watching a child makes it obvious that the development of his mind comes through his movements.
— Maria Montessori

Important Dates to Remember:

January 1st: PFM Closed for New Years

January 2nd: Back to School

January 10th: PFM Closed for MLK Jr. Day


Welcome Henry, Harper, and families!

Happy New Year!


Healthy Eating Habits

Heading into the New Year, we often find ourselves (re)committing to lifestyle choices that we feel improve our lives. After a potentially indulgent holiday season, this usually means more intentionality in our eating habits. Raising a child who is a joy to feed can be tricky, especially when dealing with pickiness, concerns of overeating, and schedules in flux. But following a division of responsibility in feeding, involving your child in the cooking process, and enjoying your food together all help to establish a child’s fruitful relationship with food.

Family therapist and feeding specialist, Ellyn Satter, recommends taking leadership with what, when, and where eating occurs and letting your child determine how much and whether to eat what you provide. During infancy, this means feeding your child “on demand” but as your child’s eating patterns become more regular, you gradually take on the responsibility for when and where to feed. And by the end of the first year or so, your child can begin taking part in family meals and sit down snacks. Once he gets situated with the routine of eating in this manner, this is a great time to introduce small decision making into the what and how of meal planning, doing grocery shopping, cooking, and cleaning up together. According to Satter, “When you do your jobs with feeding, your child will do his with eating.”  

Click here to see more tips and strategies from Ellyn’s philosophy on division of responsibility. And for those picky eaters, Early Sprouts has a great handout on patience, persistence, and acceptance of your child’s current relationship with certain foods.

January Afternoon Preschool Newsletter


Hello January~

Hello afternoon preschool parents!

During the early part of the month, the preschool students will enjoy learning about winter forest animals, including bears, foxes, and owls. They’ll visit a bear cave and enjoy reading books under the “night sky.” The students will also take a trip to the arctic to play on the ice and in the chilly water alongside seals, polar bears, and narwals. They’ll be surrounded by igloos and mounds of snow. We’ll have them dressed for the occasion, don’t worry!

After learning about the winter wonderland, the preschoolers will return to the city to resume their “jobs” as doctors and construction workers. It’s sure to be a fun, busy month!

Afternoon Preschool Updates:

If you'd like to see our afternoon preschool program in action, we invite you to visit our space anytime between 4:00-5:00pm!
