
North Preschool October Newsletter

Pumpkin Patch

This month, North Preschool will investigate things found in a Pumpkin Patch. Students will learn the parts of a pumpkin, count seeds, and even hammer into its rind. During circle, they’ll read ‘pumpkin pumpkin’ and sing ‘5 little pumpkins’ in addition to ‘where is my pumpkin?’ They’ll even end the month by visiting a pumpkin patch to deepen their connection.


When children come into contact with nature, they reveal their strength.
— Maria Montessori

Dates to Remember:

October 11: PFM Closed for In-Service

October 23: Craven Farms @ 9:30

October 31: Halloween Sing @ 9:35


October Birthdays!

Keira (5) October 1

Melat (5) October 8

Camilla (5) October 15

Quick classroom reminders…

  • Breakfast Club ends at 8:30. If your child would like to eat breakfast at school, please make sure you are here before then.

  • Please remember to keep toys at home or in the car, unless your child is bringing them in for their sharing day.

  • HOME VISITS START this month. Please sign up for a date and time in the lobby. If you are in need of a particular day or time that is not listed, feel free to email. You may alternatively opt to have a CONFERENCE at school instead of a home visit.



Infant October Newsletter



this month the infants will celebrate the autumn season by taking outdoor walk to the market, freeway park, and the library. Teachers will also have gourds available as a new sensory work this month. for those infants that display signs of readiness (strength in hands and fingers), they can work on washing and drying pumpkins, which is a great fine motor as well as practical life exercise. younger infants will enjoy the activity block for fine motor practice, as well as new sensory rattles and leaf shakers!

Weekly Focus

Each week the infants teachers plan what the weekly focus will be. They do not need to guide infants on what to do with the focus work; the children can discover that on their own. A teacher's role is to observe and provide a demonstration when a child is developmentally ready to understand the purpose of a work.

October 1st - October 4th

                            Sensory bags of leaves and twigs

October 7th - October 11th

                                Cognitive Activity Block

October 21st - October 25th

                               Fine motor stacking cubes

October 298th - Otober 31st

                                   Sensorial pumpkins
Free the child’s potential and you transform him into the world.
— Maria Montessori

Dates to Remember:

October 11: PFM Closed for In-Service

October 31: Halloween Sing @ 9:35

Happy Fall!

quick classroom reminders… 

  • Please bring your child a warm jacket as infants will be spending time each day outdoors.

  • HOME VISITS start this month. Please sign up for a date and time in the lobby. If you are in need of a particular day or time that is not listed, feel free to email.

Welcome to the Infant Room Kennedy, Charlie, and families!


Toddler Newsletter October 2019


Autumn Harvest

This month, the theme for the toddlers is Autumn Harvest. The students will scrub vegetables, explore pumpkin guts, and listen to the sounds of seed shakers. During circle, they will read about growing vegetable soup, finding a pumpkin, and learn the 5 Little Pumpkins song.


The land is where our roots are. The children must be taught to feel and live in harmony with the Earth.
— Maria Montessori

Dates to Remember:

October 3: Parent Information Night

October 11: PFM Closed for In-Service

October 31: Halloween Sing @ 9:35

October Birthdays!

October 21: Isabella (2)

Quick classroom reminders:

  • Please continue to bring your child’s water bottle every Monday. The toddlers continue to use them at their late afternoon snack time, as well as outside if they choose.

  • HOME VISITS start this month. Please sign up for a date and time in the lobby. If you are in need of a particular day or time that is not listed, feel free to email.

Welcome to Toddlers Cruz and family!


Afternoon Preschool October Newsletter

Happy Fall!

Summer is officially over and it's that time of year again when the leaves are falling and harvesting begins. This month, Afternoon Preschool will start by going to the farm. The children will be able to ride horses, take care of chickens, and gather some pumpkins. After all their fun on the farm, they will head to the apple orchard. Here they will be able to collect apples, make pies, and maybe even "eat" a slice or two.


The things he sees are not just remembered; they form a part of his soul.
— Maria Montessori

Dates to Remember:

October 11: PFM Closes for In-Service

quick classroom reminders…

  • Afternoon Preschool is collecting gourds and pumpkins for dramatic play. Please bring one if you’d like to contribute to their farm.

  • Late afternoon snack for North Preschool starts at 4:40. South Preschool starts at 4:50.

    • Please be mindful of this time when picking up your child as we are not allowed to provide snack on the go.


South Preschool October Newsletter

A Season of Change

This month, South Preschool will take a closer look at the signs of seasonal change. Students will match gourds and learn the life cycle of a pumpkin. They will also spend time carefully observing leaves shedding their green colors to reveal their fall splendor. during circle, they’ll sing ‘autumn leaves are falling down’ and ‘there’s a spider on the floor.’


Growth is not merely an increase in size, but a transformation.
— Maria Montessori

Dates to Remember:

October 11: PFM Closed for In-Service

October 23: Craven Farms @ 9:30

October 31: Halloween Sing @ 9:35



quick classroom reminders…

  • Breakfast Club ends at 8:30. If your child would like to eat breakfast at school, please make sure you are here before then.

  • Please remember to keep toys at home or in the car, unless your child is bringing them in for their sharing day.

  • HOME VISITS start this month. Please sign up for a date and time in the lobby. If you are in need of a particular day or time that is not listed, feel free to email. You may alternatively opt to have a CONFERENCE at school instead of a home visit.
