November 2020

South Preschool November


Welcome to South Preschool’s farm theme! We have so many fun things we are working with. A barn with horses inside, wooden cows, pigs, and sheep to nest, farm puzzles to help develop our cognitive skills and more. One of our favorite art projects has been making chicks - each child created their very own chick made of construction paper and feathers! Look for fun photos of our work in our weekly email.

Important Dates to Remember:

November 11th: PFM Closed for Veteran's Day

November 26th & 27th: PFM Closed for Thanksgiving Break

Classroom reminders…

  • Please remember to bring your child’s rain gear including rain pants and boots each day

Happy Birthday!

November 13th - Cade


North Preschool November

harvest; woodland animals

North Pre 1 Families,

This month is all about harvest! We are learning that harvesting means gathering ripe crops, and we continue to expand our knowledge of fall fruits & vegetables to talk about other veggies like squash, carrots, even grain. Our PFM outdoor garden is filled with delicious herbs that preschoolers are able to explore and we are also able to enjoy sensory materials such as beans, seeds, and rice in our own personal sensory bins. Shelves are filled with harvest-themed reading materials and our art projects reflect our current topic. North Pre 1 kids are so excited to talk about their favorite types of foods and vegetables - pumpkins are one of our very favorites, yum!



North Pre 2 Families,

Our North Pre 2 classroom theme for this month is woodland animals! This means we get to explore a wide array of animals including predators such as bears and foxes, smaller critters like chipmunks and racoons, and even insects like butterflies. We talk about what woodland creatures eat, draw beautiful pictures of what we learn, and have materials available such as coloring pages and vocabulary flash cards that allow us to dive deeper into our theme. Some of our classroom favorites are beavers - they build dams made of wood that provide protection, you know!


Important Dates to Remember:

November 11th: PFM Closed for Veteran's Day

November 26th & 27th: PFM Closed for Thanksgiving Break


Be sure to bring in a pumpkin this week or next week for our PFM Pumpkin Patch!

Sebastian joins North Pre 1 from the toddler room in November!


November 1st - Dutcher
