May 2021

Toddler May Newsletter



Hello Toddler Families,

Happy May! This month is all about birds and the wonderful signs of spring that they bring. Some of our work this month will include:

  • Practical life - pouring birdseet

  • Math - hatching & counting eggs

  • Art - bird nest collage

  • Foam bird puzzle

Among others! We also will be utalizing alot of our ever favorite train table. We plan to set up daily invitations to play which will include work such as tree blocks, wooden birds, nests, and place mats! So much fun. Happy spring!


Important Dates to Remember:

May 31: Memorial Day; PFM Closed

Classroom Notes…

  • A big welcome goes out to our new student, George, who just started at PFM!

Happy Birthday

May 27: George K


North Preschool May Newsletter



North Preschool Families,

We are so excited that North Pre 1 and North Pre 2 are officially combined! Going forward we will have one combined North preschool class! We will still be taking precautions such as individual sensory bins, classroom sanitized and disinfected twice per day, and masks in the building, but it is so nice that our class may now combine and utilize the entire north space together.

For the month of May we are covering all things birds and flowers. Some of our learning objectives will include:

  • identify different types of birds

  • what birds eat

  • where birds live

  • parts of the bird

  • how flowers grow

  • parts of flowers

  • identify types of flowers

Much of this knowledge will come from our daily circle lessons- then talked about throughout the day. Of course our classroom has lots of fun bird and flower work and décor, too!

unnamed (1).jpg

Important Dates to Remember:

May 31: Memorial Day; PFM Closed


  • If you have not already brought in a signed sunscreen form for your child, please do so.


May 3: Jillian R

May 4: Freya S

May 16: Lihai L

May 22: Frida A

May 23: Emery & Quinn M


South Preschool May Newsletter



Welcome South Preschool Families to May! Did you know that butterflies are perfectly symmetrical? South preschoolers sure did! , This month we plan to learn about a classroom favorite - butterflies!

Some of our learning objectives include:

  • parts of the butterfly

  • how butterflies grow

  • different types of butterflies

We also plan to do a large-scale classroom project where we focus on butterfly symmetry. What fun!

Important Dates to Remember:

May 31: Memorial Day; PFM Closed

Classroom notes:

  • If you have not already brought in a signed sunscreen form for your child, please do so.

Happy Birthday!

May 7 Daphne C

May 10 Lucas W

May 25 Nathaniel F

May 26 Teacher Linnea


Infant May Newsletter



Happy May, Families! We haven’t seen too many April showers, but we are so excited to celebrate the month of May with flowers anyway! Our classroom work will incorporate flowers and other spring-time themes in fun ways. Our sensory bin has transformed into a pick your own flower station, complete with grass, flower leaves and stems, and colorful flowers that the infants can work on building. We have several great fine motor activities including a flower puzzle and a basket of colorful floral containers for practicing opening & closing (an infant room fave!) Of course our class will also celebrate the month by completing several spring-time art projects. So much fun!


Important Dates to Remember:

May 31: Memorial Day; PFM Closed

Classroom reminder…

  • Feel free to submit a family photo to our classroom photo wall anytime! You can print it out and send it or you can email it. Thank you!

Happy Birthday

May 22: Parker W
