June 2021

South Preschool June Newsletter



Trains, busses, cars, planes, oh my! So many different methods of transportation, and preschoolers are determined to learn them all during the month of June! Our classroom work will include transportation-themed touches, images of different types of vehicles throughout our space, and more!

Some of our learning objectives this month include:

Types of transportation & names of vehicles for

  • land

  • sea/under & above water

  • air

  • space

What fun! Look for updates on all that we do in our class this month posted onto Moment Path - our new parent/teacher communication portal.

Important Dates to Remember:

June 28th - July 2nd: Summer Break; PFM Closed

Classroom notes:

  • All of our communication, including naps, lunches, photos and more will be posted on Moment Path going forward! If you have any issues accessing your child’s day, please reach our via email for troubleshooting help.

Happy Birthday!

June 16 Teacher Liz


North Preschool June Newsletter



North Preschool Families,

For the month of June our classroom will be learning all about a Jurassic topic - dinosaurs! Some of our learning objectives for the month will include:

  • names of dinosaurs

  • what dinosaurs ate

  • when dinosaurs lived

  • how big they grew

  • where they lived

Much of this knowledge will come from our daily circle lessons- then talked about throughout the day. And of course our classroom has lots of fun dinosaur work and décor, too! Look for updates on all that we do in our class this month posted onto Moment Path - our new parent/teacher communication portal.


Important Dates to Remember:

June 28th - July 2nd: Summer Break; PFM Closed


  • All of our communication, including naps, lunches, photos and more will be posted on Moment Path going forward! If you have any issues accessing your child’s day, please reach our via email for troubleshooting help.


No June Birthdays


Toddler June Newsletter

beach and ocean


Hello Toddler Families,

Happy June! This month is all about the ocean and beaches and the delightful signs of summer that they bring. Some of our work this month will include:

  • Practical life - pouring sand & pouring water with pitchers

  • Math - numbered fish 1-10

  • Art - an ocean collage; coloring in shades of blue with crayons and markers

  • Ocean puzzle

Among others! We also will be resuming daily circles again! The toddlers have been loving listening to a daily book and singing fun songs together as a class. The song “Row Row Row” has been one of our classroom faves! Look for updates on all that we do in our class this month posted onto Moment Path - our new parent/teacher communication portal.


Important Dates to Remember:

June 28th - July 2nd: Summer Break; PFM Closed

Classroom Notes…

  • All of our communication, including daily diapers, naps, lunches, photos and more will be posted on Moment Path going forward! If you have any issues accessing your child’s day, please reach our via email for troubleshooting help.

Happy Birthday

June 25: Kennedy B


Infant June Newsletter

Fish & The Ocean


Happy Summer, Families - we are so excited to celebrate the beginning of this sunny season with an ocean themed classroom! Some of the ways that we will learn about this fun aquatic topic include:

  • pictures of fish and sea life hanging up on our walls

  • classroom books about the ocean and sea animals (our favorite so far has been “The Ocean” a finger puppet book!)

  • a fish themed painting art project which will be displayed on our art wall

  • a blue sensory jello dig with aquatic creatures buried inside (each child has their own individual sensory bin)

  • daily songs such as “Baby Shark” and “Octopus, Swimming in the Water”

Look for updates on all that we do in our class this month posted onto Moment Path - our new parent/teacher communication portal.


Important Dates to Remember:

June 28th - July 2nd: Summer Break; PFM Closed

Classroom reminder…

  • All of our communication, including daily diapers, bottle amounts, naps, and photos, will be posted on Moment Path going forward! If you have any issues accessing your child’s day, please reach our via email for troubleshooting help.

Happy Birthday

June 15th: Gus B

June 18th: Etta L
