Hello July~
This month, our theme is animals! Each day, the teachers will equip the students with new language pertaining to animals. They will read books, sing, and review flash cards with matching animal figures.
Weekly focus—
Week one: Physical (classroom climber)
Week two: Social-emotional (baby dolls)
Week three: Language (books)
“Babies need to move freely in a safe place. When babies are allowed to move and explore on their own, they learn about their environment and abilities. Babies develop confidence and problem-solving skills as they move, explore, and relate to their environment.””
Dates to remember:
- July 8: Pajama Day
Classroom reminder:
Please label your child's bottles and/or food with their first and last name, date, and the type of milk or food. Let us know if your child has dietary restrictions! We'll update thier file and ensure these are monitored during communal snack times. Thank you!
July Birthdays:
Harlem (1) July 12; Julian (1) July 14