
July Infant Newsletter


Hello July~

This month, our theme is animals! Each day, the teachers will equip the students with new language pertaining to animals. They will read books, sing, and review flash cards with matching animal figures.

Weekly focus—

  • Week one: Physical (classroom climber)

  • Week two: Social-emotional (baby dolls)

  • Week three: Language (books)

Babies need to move freely in a safe place. When babies are allowed to move and explore on their own, they learn about their environment and abilities. Babies develop confidence and problem-solving skills as they move, explore, and relate to their environment.”
— RIE Principal

Dates to remember:

  • July 8: Pajama Day

Classroom reminder:

Please label your child's bottles and/or food with their first and last name, date, and the type of milk or food. Let us know if your child has dietary restrictions! We'll update thier file and ensure these are monitored during communal snack times. Thank you!

July Birthdays:

Harlem (1) July 12; Julian (1) July 14


July Toddler Newsletter


Hello July~


This month, the theme in the toddler classroom is “under the sea.” The students will practice counting sea turtles, explore different types of shells, and match sea life! During circle, we will sing “Baby Beluga,” “Five Little Fish,” and “Take me Out to the Ocean.”

“The senses, being explorers of the world, open the way to knowledge.”--Maria Montessori

Dates to remember:

  • July 8: Pajama Day
  • July 11: Ice Cream Social at PFM (4:00 p.m. for Toddlers)

Quick Classroom Reminders:

Please check to see that your child has extra clothes and diapers in the classroom.




July Birthdays:

Coming soon!


July South Preschool Newsletter


Hello July~


This month, our theme is “under the sea.” The South Preschool students will work with matching fish cards, sort different forms of ocean life, and complete an ocean-themed art project. Our sensory table will have sea life, sand, and water.

“There is a great sense of community within the Montessori classroom, where children of differing ages work together in an atmosphere of cooperation rather than competitiveness.”--Maria Montessori

Dates to remember:

  • July 8: Pajama Day
  • July 11: Ice Cream Social at PFM (3:30 p.m. for South Preschool)
  • July 18: Field Day at PFM
  • July 25: Visit the Fountain at Seattle Center

Quick Classroom Reminders:

  • Please be sure your child has extra clothes in his/her cubby





July Birthdays:

Jack (5) July 8; Arya (5) July 22


July North Preschool Newsletter


Hello July~


This month, the North Preschool students will learn about seashells! They will sort and match different types of shells, complete shell-themed art and sensory work, and count pearls. During circle, we will sing “Five Little Seashells” and “Take me Out to the Ocean.” We’ll also practice the iconic tongue twister, “She Sells Seashells by the Seashore.”

“The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child’s own natural desire to learn.”--Maria Montessori

Dates to remember:

  • July 8: Pajama Day
  • July 11: Ice Cream Social at PFM (3:00 p.m. for North Preschool)
  • July 18: Field Day at PFM
  • July 25: Visit the Fountain at Seattle Center

Quick Classroom Reminders:

  • Please be sure your child has extra clothes in his/her cubby




July Birthdays:

Coming soon!
