Dec 2020

North Preschool January

north pre 1: winter animals

north pre 2: outer space

North Pre 1 Families,

A bit of classroom news- Teacher Erika will become the lead teacher in NP1 and Taani and Vera Harmer will join this group (from South Pre) as role models and leaders for this class. A new child named Lihai begins on Jan. 5th. Our other Erica (Erica W.) will join this classroom to assist Teacher Erika. And more exciting news: Erica W. is expecting a baby and due in April! Congrats Erica!

This month we are so excited to begin incorporating more elements of the Montessori learning environment that your children thrive in. We will focus on a winter animal theme with an emphasis in Montessori materials. Some of the things we will feature on our work shelves include information on animals in Antarctica-penguins, whales, seal, as well as early math, language arts, science, and art curriculum items among other work.



North Pre 2 Families,

A bit of classroom news- Teddi will be mentoring Teacher Lex as Lex continues working on her Montessori Training Certification from the Center for Guided Montessori Studies (CGMS). Ms. Teddi will be in the classroom each day for the next few months guiding Miss Lex as she completes her Montessori Teacher training program. Lex has done well navigating this so far and we are proud of her and can't wait to see her become the best teacher she can be!

The classroom theme for the month of January will be outer space! We will learn about things like the northern lights, use our light table to examine planets and stars in our solar system, enjoy books regarding our theme, sing songs about planets, and of course begin preparing our room to feature more of a Montessori-style environment. We are looking forward to a great year!


Important Dates to Remember:

January 4: Back to school for the new year

Janruary 18th: MLK Jr. Day; PFM Closed


  • Each child will still have their own playdoh and sensory

  • Work tables are set apart from others so that children can be socially distanced.

  • Teachers will continue serving children their meals and snacks instead of the family-style self service that we used to do pre-COVID.

  • We will continue to sanitize and clean frequently, wear masks inside and outside, and continue our hand washing routines.


January 14th: Lily P
